Audio2Gesture plugin 105.4.0 in Audio2Face 2023.2.0 bug report

I am using the audio2gesture plugin in the Audio2Face application. In Audio2Face 2023.2.0, I noticed that the audio2gesture plugin has been updated, which is great! It also includes the ability to detect silent parts. A big thank you to the developers!

Audio2Face 2023.2.0

Audio2Face 2023.1.1
However, it seems that the outputs of the audio2gesture node are all empty, including Rotation, Translation, and Scale. In the previous version of the audio2gesture plugin(105.3.0), these outputs were functioning correctly. This is a project to reproduce the issue. First, I open the audio2gesture plugin through the AUDIO2GESTURE BUNDLE, then open the project, and the issue can be reproduced. Am I missing something?

Project to reproduce the issue (7.5 MB)