Boot from USB


From the link Jetson Download Center | NVIDIA Developer - CBoot Sources for Jetson AGX Xavier and Jetson Xavier NX version:32.5 release-date :2021/01/21



We can build the default code without error.
Could you clean up it and try to use the default cboot to build again? It seems not from the patch.

Thanks for your response @WayneWWW ,
I built the cboot with the above patches and tested both on devkit and custom board.

  1. Both in custom board and devkit, without hdmi it booted from usb as observed from bootloader log. But I was not able to configure. I was only getting the below message on the ACM port
    “System configuration setup wasn’t completed. Please reboot device and try again.”
    I have also attached the bootloader error log during this case
    bootloader_log.txt (26.9 KB)

  2. when tested with HDMI both devkit and custom board booted from usb but the configuration was not happening. The configuration screen was blank.

On both the boards I tried to reboot many times with and without HDMI and tested, I was not able to configure.
Could you please help me.



  1. So after using the patch, you can boot from usb now, right?

  2. Could you remove quiet in extlinux.conf and share me the log with HDMI connected?

Hi @WayneWWW

  1. yes, after using the patch it is booting from USB.

  2. Could you please help on how to do it ?
    I am not able to access either ttyUSB0 or ttyACM0 when booted with/without HDMI.

    In L4T, I find two extlinux.conf file

    $ sudo find -iname extlinux.conf

should I change in these both files and flash the board fresh and prepare USB and test?


During your preparation of the usb drive, modify that one from ./rootfs/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf. If you don’t know which file to modify, just modify both of them. Such change is not fatal.

Hi @WayneWWW

I have attached the bootloader log . PFA
hdmi_quiet_bootloader.txt (89.5 KB)


Did you verify your dtb on normal emmc boot before?

Hi @WayneWWW ,

Yes, Before creating the usb drive, I flashed the same image and configured on emmc. It is working fine


For the HDMI case, I see the edid read failure from the kernel log. Generally this happens to custom board with wrong design or wrong dtb. Do you see the monitor? or just blanked screen?
What would happen if you plug the monitor after the boot up is done? Will you see monitor at this case?

��[ 6.803716] tegra_edid_read_block: remainder is 131 for the last 5 attempts. Assuming bad sink EDID and igno4
[ 6.807336] tegra-i2c 3190000.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x30
[ 6.807993] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: hdmi: edid read failed
[ 6.808157] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: hdmi: using fallback edid

Hi @WayneWWW ,

The monitor is up, it not black screen. It is using the default resolution instead of maximum hdmi supported resolution. I have attached the Hdmi output. PFA.

I plugged the HDMI monitor after the boot up. In this case since ACM port is 1st attached to the board, the configuration window should appear on the ACM port and logs on the HDMI monitor is observed.


Hi @WayneWWW ,

I have also attached the devkit bootloader log, where the same configuration issue is observed. PFA.

devkit_bootloader.txt (85.8 KB)


If this can be observed on devkit too, the rootfs may be corrupted.

You can either directly skip the configuration by this script or prepare the rootfs again.

Jetson Nano all USB ports suddenly stopped working - #37 by WayneWWW

Thanks for your support @WayneWWW

I prepared the USB drive again and the issue is solved

I would like to confirm a small doubt regarding the usb booting. In the current USB boot the rootfs alone is from USB. Is there any possibility to boot completely from USB on nvidia boards by having all the partitions on the USB drive?


No, not possible. The boot device only supports the internal device (QSPI for nano sd/nx and emmc for the rest of platforms).

Thanks for your response @WayneWWW
