This is an assortment of incompatible combinations of SDKs.
Please always check the OptiX SDK release notes for each version before setting up a development environment.
Similarly read the CUDA CUDA_Installation_Guide_.pdf for your OS to find the list of compatible host compilers.
First, the OptiX Advanced Samples are written against OptiX 5.1.0 and will still work with OptiX 6.5.0.
Looks like the install descriptions are outdated.
OptiX 7 is a completely different API and requires a rewrite of the host code and an adaption of the device code.
CUDA 7.0 is not supporting MSVS 2019 and some of the NVCC options used in the OptiX examples to make callable programs work with CUDA 8.0 and higher.
Please try OptiX 6.5.0, CUDA 10.0 (or 10.1), and MSVS 2019.
Note that the FindCUDA.cmake inside the OptiX Advanced Sample is outdated compared to the version shipped with CMake and does not set the CUDA_HOST_COMPILER correctly because that location changed betweeen MSVS 2015 and 2017 to a different folder.
Yes, a GTX 780Ti is a Kepler GPU and those are not supported by OptiX 5 and above anymore.
Only Maxwell and newer GPU architectures will work.
This information is also part of the OptiX release notes linked directly next to the OptiX SDK download button.