Busy spin Orin NX custom carrier

  1. hello. getting a error when booting with “Busy Spin”. I have tried following page 13 at


which states:

EEPROM is an optional component for a customized carrier board. In the case the carrier board
is designed without an EEPROM, below modifications will be needed on the MB2 BCT file:
- cvb_eeprom_read_size = <0x100>
+ cvb_eeprom_read_size = <0x0>

Ive changed in the generated yocto image files, and then flashed, but still got the error when booting.

(I flahsed with initrd flash after doing these changes)

  1. Is it rel-36 or rel-35 ?
  2. Is it Orin NX or Orin AGX?
  3. There are lots of reasons that can lead to busy spin. You could share the log so that we can tell. Maybe it is not related to eeprom at all.

Jetson Linux release: R35.5.0 JetPack release: 5.1.3

Reply all the questions please…

Is this Orin NX? or Nano? or AGX?
The document you are reading is for Orin AGX but the topic tells you are using Orin NX…

Orin NX should refer to this doc

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