I dual boot two PC between win10 and Linux mint 20 and use a KVM switch with DVI cables. Win 10 has no resolution issues whatever. But with Linux I can only produce a maximum resolution of 1600x900 with the more recent drivers such as 450 or 455. On the other hand if I use the 340 driver I can get 1920x1080 on one of my PCs which has an old GTX660 GPU. The other PC which has a GTX 1650 super does not have the old driver available for installation (presumably it wouldn’t work anyway.)
I notice that when using the more recent drivers if I look at display in preferences the monitor is not recognized. However using the old driver with the older PC or the Linux nouveau drivers it is. I think this is because the monitors EDID is not being found. Indeed the NVIDIA bug report shows the following "[ 47.125] (WW) NVIDIA(0): DFP-0 does not have an EDID, or its EDID does not contain a
[ 47.125] (WW) NVIDIA(0): maximum image size; cannot compute DPI from DFP-0’s EDID
I’m wondering if anyone else has this problem and if they do what a solution might be as 1920x1080 is preferable for both PCs if possible?
I have uploaded the NVIDIA bug report. If it’s not in the right format I apologize. Let me know and I’ll try to fix it
Regards Steve
.nvidia-bug-report.log (1018.4 KB) nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (217.7 KB)