Camera streaming video latency

Hello All,

we are developing custom camera sensor with AGX xavier and TX2.

we are video latency of camera sensor is very important issue.

we were test two mode of streaming camera image.
one is by using “argus camera” of jetson multimedia example.
the other is gstreamer command.

When using the argus camera application, it was 89ms when using a single camera, and 130ms when using multiple cameras.

When running the gstreamer command, both xvimagesink and nvoverlaysink showed video latency of 140ms or more. (The filter function is not applied to the command.)

I would like to ask you a few questions.

  1. Why is there a difference in video latency between argus_camera and gstreamer?
  2. Is there any way to reduce video latency in gstreamer?
  3. What is the minimum video latency of the jetson platform in ms?

Make sure both of argus APP and gstreamer pipeline select the same sensor mode and frame rate is the same.

Hello ShaneCCC,

I attached photo which running argus APP in multi camera sensors.
and also it running gstreamer command as shown below.

what is issue of video latency in gstreamer command as shown below?

gst-launch-1.0 nvcompositor name=comp sink_0::xpos=0 sink_0::ypos=0 sink_0::width=1920 sink_0::height=2160 sink_1::xpos=1920 sink_1::ypos=0 sink_1::width=1920 sink_1::height=2160 ! nvoverlaysink nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 aelock=0 ee-mode=1 ee-strength=0 tnr-strength=0 tnr-mode=1 ispdigitalgainrange="1 10" exposurecompensation=0 ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=3864, height=2192, framerate=60/1, format=NV12' ! nvvidconv flip-method=0 ! comp. nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=1 aelock=0 ee-mode=1 ee-strength=0 tnr-strength=0 tnr-mode=1 ispdigitalgainrange="1 10" exposurecompensation=0 ! 'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=3864, height=2192, framerate=60/1, format=NV12' ! nvvidconv flip-method=0 ! comp.


Not sure if the nvcompositor cause.
Try without nvcompositor with two process like

gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc … & gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=1 ! …

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