Cannot download a large zip file of assets of Isaac-sim 2022.1.1 in local storage

Hello members of NVIDIA forums,

I have a question about downloading assets of Isaac-sim 2022.1.1 in my local PC.

I installed isaac-sim 2022.1.1 by following the official documentation.

I confirmed the followings:

  • Isaac-sim works normally (I did basic tutorial in the official documentation).
  • localhost:3080 (system monitor) showed running services. (All services run normally.)
  • localhost:8080 (web UI of nucleus) showed assets of Isaac-sim.
  • Omniverse Navigator showed assets of Issac-sim.
    • The navigator was launched from “Nucleus Navigator” in the side bar of Omniverse Launcher.

Then, I tried to download the assets of Isaac-sim 2022.1.1 by using web UI of nucleus or Omniverse Navigator.
However, I could not download the assets in my local PC.

[When I used Omnivrse Navigator to download the assets]
I could download a single file or a small zip file.
However, If I tried to download a large zip file (about more than 1.35MB), the process stops at the point of 1.35MB.
I waited the process in about 1h, the process was same.

  • The example of the single file: omniverse://
  • The example of the small zip file: omniverse://
  • The example of the large zip file: omniverse://

When I failed to download, the “logs” tab in localhost:3080 (I selected service “Nucleus”) shows the following errors:

2022-09-15 05:06:37 [2,352,651ms] [Error] [omni.core] [3580] …/…/…/source/plugins/common/ChildProcess.cpp:stderrReadCallback():30: From process ./omni-lft-service/omni-lft-service:Traceback (most recent call last):
File “lft/”, line 99, in log_errors_middleware
File “aiohttp/”, line 197, in handler_wrapper
File “lft/paths/”, line 43, in download_zip
File “lft/paths/”, line 87, in stream_zip_folder
File “lft/paths/”, line 87, in stream_zip_folder
File “lft/paths/”, line 72, in stream_zip_folder
File “lft/”, line 94, in read_from_resolver
lft.resolvers.ResolverError: ResolverResultCode.ResolverResultCodeOtherError
Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “aiohttp/”, line 435, in _handle_request
File “aiohttp/”, line 504, in _handle
File “aiohttp/”, line 117, in impl
File “lft/”, line 67, in cors_middleware
File “lft/”, line 129, in verbose_access_log_middleware
File “lft/”, line 79, in filesystem_error_middleware
File “lft/”, line 99, in log_errors_middleware
File “aiohttp/”, line 197, in handler_wrapper
File “lft/paths/”, line 43, in download_zip
File “lft/paths/”, line 87, in stream_zip_folder
File “lft/paths/”, line 87, in stream_zip_folder
File “lft/paths/”, line 72, in stream_zip_folder
File “lft/”, line 94, in read_from_resolver
lft.resolvers.ResolverError: ResolverResultCode.ResolverResultCodeOtherError

[When I used web UI of nucleus to download the assets]
I could not download a single file, a small zip file and a large zip file.

[My environments]

  • ubuntu 18.04
  • using proxy server
    • I checked that I can access internet. Also I checked firewall settings.
    • I use the following command for launching omniverse launcher: ./omniverse-launcher-linux.AppImage --proxy-server=proxy ip:port

[Other info.]

  • When I try to watch the asset from “Content” tab in Isaac-sim GUI, the terminal shows the error:

[48.193s] app ready
[54.346s] Isaac Sim App is loaded.
2022-09-15 05:23:58 [61,596ms] [Warning] [omni.client.plugin] Tick: authentication: Discovery(ws://localhost/omni/discovery): Error creating Auth/Credentials search: Not connected
2022-09-15 05:23:58 [61,596ms] [Warning] [omni.client.plugin] Tick: authentication: Discovery(ws://localhost/omni/discovery): Error creating Auth/Tokens search: Not connected
2022-09-15 05:23:58 [61,596ms] [Warning] [omni.client.plugin] Tick: authentication: Discovery(ws://localhost/omni/discovery): Error creating Api/Connection search: Not connected
2022-09-15 05:24:00 [63,393ms] [Warning] [omni.kit.browser.folder.core.models.folder_browser_data] Cannot list, error code: Result.ERROR.
2022-09-15 05:24:01 [64,245ms] [Error] [omni.kit.browser.folder.core.models.folder_browser_data] Timeout 5 seconds when listing Please check your network and connection to the url. Otherwise increase the timeout.
2022-09-15 05:24:01 [64,246ms] [Error] [omni.kit.browser.folder.core.models.folder_browser_data] Timeout 5 seconds when listing Please check your network and connection to the url. Otherwise increase the timeout.

Is something wrong in my setup?

First step is to test that you can open any file from the /NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac folder in your local Nucleus into Isaac Sim.
Next, do a right-click copy of the /NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac folder and right-click paste on any local folder like /Library. This may take some time.
You should be able to then zip up and download this /Library/Isaac folder.

Hi, Thank you for kind introduction.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t open the assets.

First step is to test that you can open any file from the /NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac folder in your local Nucleus into Isaac Sim.

I tried open a file from “open” operation of “File” tab in Isaac Sim GUI.
The operation shows the “Opening a Read Only File” window. Thus I selected “Open Original File”.
However, the GUI said, “Failed to open stage simple_room.usd. Please check console for error.”.

Also, the errors in the console are following:

2022-09-23 01:47:57 [908,922ms] [Warning] [omni.kit.widget.versioning.checkpoints_model] Failed to get checkpoints for omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Room/simple_room.usd: Result.ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED
2022-09-23 01:49:26 [998,074ms] [Warning] [omni.client.plugin] Tick: provider_nucleus: Null result for omni1ReadAssetVersion(localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Room/simple_room.usd): INTERNAL_ERROR
2022-09-23 01:49:26 [998,075ms] [Error] [omni.usd] Failed to open : omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Room/simple_room.usd
2022-09-23 01:49:26 [998,094ms] [Error] [omni.kit.window.file.scripts.file_window] Failed to open stage omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Room//simple_room.usd: Failed to open:omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Room//simple_room.usd

(The file: omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Room/simple_room.usd")

It looks like you may have a firewall that is restricting access to the public S3 bucket or an issue with your Nucleus install.
What is the output of this command in your terminal?


Thank you for your reply.
The output of this command is following:

mdl 1.4;
import df::;
import base::
import math::;
import state::
import anno::;
import tex::
import OmniPBR::OmniPBR;

export material nv_green(*) = OmniPBR::OmniPBR(
diffuse_color_constant: color(0.181164,0.48515,0),
emissive_color: color(0,0,0),
enable_emission: true,
uv_space_index: 0

That looks good.
Are you able to copy the assets from /NVIDIA to another folder in your local Nucleus?

Thank you for your check.
I failed to copy the assets from /NVIDIA to another folder in my local Nucleus.

I tried to copy a single USD file to the parent directory by using the process written in your previous reply.
When I tied to copy, the Isaac-sim UI showed a small popup of ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.

copy from: omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Room/simple_room.usd
to: omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac/Environments/simple_room.usd

The omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/* folder is a mount and is read-only.
Try creating a folder omniverse://localhost/Library/Temp and copy to it.

I’m sorry for the late reply.
I could copy some assets in omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/* folder to mniverse://localhost/Library/Temp.

copied assets:

You may need to copy additional files if there are missing textures.
I would recommend copying the entire folder from
omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.1/Isaac to omniverse://localhost/Isaac if you have the space.
Some files in the Isaac folder do have a relative dependency to the …/NVIDIA folder.

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