Isaac sim load error

I installed isaac sim 4.2.0 for learning, and an error occurred when loading the sample scene

[22.696s] app ready
[23.852s] Isaac Sim App is loaded.
2024-11-22 02:43:15 [78,797ms] [Warning] [omni.hydratexture.plugin] '/Render/OmniverseKit/HydraTextures/omni_kit_widget_viewport_ViewportTexture_0' is not a Usd.RenderProduct and cannot be used, reseting to '/Render/OmniverseKit/HydraTextures/omni_kit_widget_viewport_ViewportTexture_0'
2024-11-22 02:46:38 [281,591ms] [Warning] [omni.usd] Warning: in _ReportErrors at line 2890 of C:\g\97199581\USD\pxr\usd\usd\stage.cpp -- In </World/defaultGroundPlane>: Could not open asset @ for reference introduced by @anon:000001EBCA051910:World1.usd@</World/defaultGroundPlane>. (recomposing stage on stage @anon:000001EBCA051910:World1.usd@ <000001DEE3A7E0E0>)

2024-11-22 02:46:38 [281,597ms] [Error] [asyncio] Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-177' coro=<BaseSampleExtension._on_load_world.<locals>._on_load_world_async() done, defined at d:/programfiles/omniverse/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/base_sample/> exception=AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetPath'")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:/programfiles/omniverse/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/base_sample/", line 153, in _on_load_world_async
    await self._sample.load_world_async()
  File "d:/programfiles/omniverse/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/base_sample/", line 46, in load_world_async
    await self._world.reset_async()
  File "d:/programfiles/omniverse/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/world/", line 499, in reset_async
    await self.reset_async_set_up_scene()
  File "d:/programfiles/omniverse/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/world/", line 425, in reset_async_set_up_scene
  File "d:/programfiles/omniverse/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/tasks/", line 65, in set_up_scene
  File "d:/programfiles/omniverse/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/scenes/", line 279, in add_default_ground_plane
    plane = GroundPlane(prim_path=prim_path, name=name, z_position=z_position, physics_material=physics_material)
  File "d:/programfiles/omniverse/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/objects/", line 111, in __init__
    collision_prim_path = get_prim_path(
  File "d:/programfiles/omniverse/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/utils/", line 612, in get_prim_path
    return prim.GetPath()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetPath'

How to solve it? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but got the same error

There is also a cache error, as shown in the figure:

I recently replaced my hard drive and reinstalled all my software to the D drive, but the tools in Omniverse are still showing as the E drive. How can I fix this?

Did you also reinstall the Omniverse Launcher on the E drive?

Please refer to this note in Workstation Installation to try reset the user config:

  • To run Isaac Sim with a fresh config, use the --reset-user flag. This flag can be entered in the Extra Args section of the Isaac Sim App Selector or when running Isaac Sim in command line.

I reinstalled Omniverse and now the cache doesn’t work


[2024-11-23 12:07:22,640][OT] INFO: create_config_toml: <bound method MonitorConfig.create_config_toml of <monitor.config.MonitorConfig object at 0x00000230A66E1720>>
debug: 0
discovery_token: test
exe_path: D:\ProgramFiles\Omniverse\pkg\cache-2023.2.6\System Monitor
full_name: Omniverse System Monitor
get_log_dir: <bound method MonitorConfig.get_log_dir of <monitor.config.MonitorConfig object at 0x00000230A66E1720>>
log_file: C:\Users\msn14\.nvidia-omniverse\logs\System Monitor\logs.txt
log_file_count: 5
log_level: INFO
log_size: 5242880
monitor_config_dir: C:\Users\msn14\.nvidia-omniverse\config\System Monitor
monitor_icon: D:\ProgramFiles\Omniverse\pkg\cache-2023.2.6\System Monitor\omniverse-system-monitor-np.ico
monitor_service_port: 3085
monitor_ui_port: 3080
omni: <monitor.config.OmniConfig object at 0x00000230A66E2770>
omni_config_dir: C:\Users\msn14\.nvidia-omniverse\config
omni_config_toml: C:\Users\msn14\.nvidia-omniverse\config\omniverse.toml
process_healthcheck_interval: 3
process_healthcheck_max_restarts: 3
process_healthcheck_max_retries: 3
process_healthcheck_sleep_after_restart: 60
process_healthcheck_timeout: 3
process_watch_interval: 3
[2024-11-23 12:07:22,641][OT] INFO: Running the web UI on http://localhost:3080
[2024-11-23 12:07:23,199][OT] INFO: Registering interface 'Launcher':
  Method: get_applications
  Method: get_app
  Method: start
  Method: stop
  Method: restart_all
  Method: set_auto_launch
  Method: subscribe

[2024-11-23 12:07:23,200][OT] INFO: Registering interface 'Auth':
  Method: get
  Method: set
  Method: get_all
  Method: purge
  Method: remove
  Method: remove_all

[2024-11-23 12:07:23,201][OT] INFO: Registering interface 'LocalCache':
  Method: get_info
  Method: set_info
  Method: enable
  Method: disable
  Method: clear

[2024-11-23 12:07:23,201][OT] INFO: Registering interface 'RemoteCache':
  Method: get_info
  Method: set_server
  Method: enable
  Method: disable

[2024-11-23 12:07:23,202][OT] INFO: Registering interface 'Logs':
  Method: get_loggers
  Method: get_log
  Method: open_log

[2024-11-23 12:07:23,203][OT] INFO: Registering interface 'Configure':
  Method: read
  Method: set_sharing
  Method: get_features

[2024-11-23 12:07:23,203][OT] INFO: Registering class 'PortRegistry' that implements interface 'Ports':
  Method: get_ports
  Method: set_ports
  Method: reset_ports

[2024-11-23 12:07:23,204][OT] INFO: Listen.
[2024-11-23 12:07:31,735][OT] INFO: create_config_toml: <bound method MonitorConfig.create_config_toml of <monitor.config.MonitorConfig object at 0x00000265AC161720>>
debug: 0
discovery_token: test
exe_path: D:\ProgramFiles\Omniverse\pkg\cache-2023.2.6\System Monitor
full_name: Omniverse System Monitor
get_log_dir: <bound method MonitorConfig.get_log_dir of <monitor.config.MonitorConfig object at 0x00000265AC161720>>
log_file: C:\Users\msn14\.nvidia-omniverse\logs\System Monitor\logs.txt
log_file_count: 5
log_level: INFO
log_size: 5242880
monitor_config_dir: C:\Users\msn14\.nvidia-omniverse\config\System Monitor
monitor_icon: D:\ProgramFiles\Omniverse\pkg\cache-2023.2.6\System Monitor\omniverse-system-monitor-np.ico
monitor_service_port: 3085
monitor_ui_port: 3080
omni: <monitor.config.OmniConfig object at 0x00000265AC162770>
omni_config_dir: C:\Users\msn14\.nvidia-omniverse\config
omni_config_toml: C:\Users\msn14\.nvidia-omniverse\config\omniverse.toml
process_healthcheck_interval: 3
process_healthcheck_max_restarts: 3
process_healthcheck_max_retries: 3
process_healthcheck_sleep_after_restart: 60
process_healthcheck_timeout: 3
process_watch_interval: 3
[2024-11-23 12:07:31,736][OT] INFO: Running the web UI on http://localhost:3080
[2024-11-23 12:07:31,777][OT] ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 59, in main
  File "", line 49, in setup
  File "aiohttp\", line 119, in start
  File "asyncio\", line 1519, in create_server
OSError: [Errno 10048] error while attempting to bind on address ('', 3080): 通常每个套接字地址(协议/网络地址/端口)只允许使用一次。
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 59, in main
  File "", line 49, in setup
  File "aiohttp\", line 119, in start
  File "asyncio\", line 1519, in create_server
OSError: [Errno 10048] error while attempting to bind on address ('', 3080): 通常每个套接字地址(协议/网络地址/端口)只允许使用一次。
[2024-11-23 12:07:31,780][OT] INFO: Close HTTP session for healthchecks.
[2024-11-23 12:08:39,745][OT] INFO: create_config_toml: <bound method MonitorConfig.create_config_toml of <monitor.config.MonitorConfig object at 0x000002280ECAD780>>
debug: 0
discovery_token: test
exe_path: D:\ProgramFiles\Omniverse\pkg\nucleus-workstation-2023.2.5\System Monitor
full_name: Omniverse System Monitor
get_log_dir: <bound method MonitorConfig.get_log_dir of <monitor.config.MonitorConfig object at 0x000002280ECAD780>>
log_file: C:\Users\msn14\.nvidia-omniverse\logs\System Monitor\logs.txt
log_file_count: 5
log_level: INFO
log_size: 5242880
monitor_config_dir: C:\Users\msn14\.nvidia-omniverse\config\System Monitor
monitor_icon: D:\ProgramFiles\Omniverse\pkg\nucleus-workstation-2023.2.5\System Monitor\omniverse-system-monitor-np.ico
monitor_service_port: 3085
monitor_ui_port: 3080
omni: <monitor.config.OmniConfig object at 0x000002280ECAE7D0>
omni_config_dir: C:\Users\msn14\.nvidia-omniverse\config
omni_config_toml: C:\Users\msn14\.nvidia-omniverse\config\omniverse.toml
process_healthcheck_interval: 3
process_healthcheck_max_restarts: 3
process_healthcheck_max_retries: 3
process_healthcheck_sleep_after_restart: 60
process_healthcheck_timeout: 3
process_watch_interval: 3
[2024-11-23 12:08:39,745][OT] INFO: Running the web UI on http://localhost:3080
[2024-11-23 12:08:39,764][OT] ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 59, in main
  File "", line 49, in setup
  File "aiohttp\", line 119, in start
  File "asyncio\", line 1519, in create_server
OSError: [Errno 10048] error while attempting to bind on address ('::1', 3080, 0, 0): 通常每个套接字地址(协议/网络地址/端口)只允许使用一次。
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 59, in main
  File "", line 49, in setup
  File "aiohttp\", line 119, in start
  File "asyncio\", line 1519, in create_server
OSError: [Errno 10048] error while attempting to bind on address ('::1', 3080, 0, 0): 通常每个套接字地址(协议/网络地址/端口)只允许使用一次。
[2024-11-23 12:08:39,767][OT] INFO: Close HTTP session for healthchecks.

Is there any solution to the cache problem above? The cache is not working properly now.

The way how I got work is to run omniverse cleanup tool and reinstall the launcher. Launcher Cleanup Tool — Omniverse Utilities

Still the same, after uninstalling with the uninstall tool and reinstalling, the cache still does not work properly

Please check if the following topics is helpful:

Can I ask if you solved it?I also had this problem when running the example, I saw someone say it might be a problem with the assets not being found, so I downloaded the assets locally, but it still reported an error when I ran it.

1 Like

Have you solved it ? I had the same problem in isaacsim 4.5

This is due to the internet and when my internet is in good condition I don’t experience this problem anymore.

Thanks you !