Cache 2023.2.3 did not work


When I use Cache 2023.2.3, Cach v.2.7.19-1167 always stops and I cannot run it.

How can I fix it?

Cache.log (10.4 MB)

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Hi. Can you try uninstall then reinstall Cache?
If that does not help, try the Clean up tool to reinstall Launcher.

Hi, @Sheikh_Dawood

I already uninstalled then reinstalled Cache both 2023.2.3 and 2023.1.0. It worked on 2023.1.0 when it had trouble but, 2023.2.3 did not.

Do you still see this error?

error while attempting to bind on address ('', 8891): address already in use

Rebooting may help too.

Will it work for you if you revert to the older 2023.1.0 version?

The older 2023.1.0 version works well.
The older one sometimes stopped, but I can fix it with a reboot or reinstall.

I am just wondering why the newest one does not work.

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I still cannot solve this problem.
Is there no answer?

First of all, the cache itself is unstable, regardless of version.

May I simply suggest you remove the CACHE app altogether. It is not required. It is just an optional extra. CACHE is now built into the foundation apps automatically.

What exactly are you trying to solve by installing Cache ? What problem are you encountering ? Please simple remove it and use Issac Sim without. You will notice no difference at all.

Dear, @Richard3D

Thanks for your reply.

I thought I had to install CACHE because the documentation said ‘Install CACHE’. It seems I need Cache when I want to import assets from Omniverse cloud. Is it right?

No, you no longer require CACHE for anything.

I installed Isaac Sim without CACHE on a different new computer and I cannot use the assets on the Omniverse server.

Is there another way to use assets from Omniverse server?

This shows me that you do not have Nucleus installed. This is nothing to do with Cache. Click the green + button top center and install your local Nucleus cache. Or you can skip this and just install Nucleus Navigator from the main Exchange. Are you trying to access “local” resources on a local server, or a cloud server ?

@Richard3D I have experienced a similar issue with cache. Is it a known issue with cache-2023.2.3?

The error I’m getting is
Failed to start Cache -- Error: Can't launch cache -- /home/.local/share/ov/pkg/cache-2023.2.3/System Monitor/omni-system-monitor is not found.

If I remove cache altogether would I experience some performance loss when running isaac sim? I ask this because on the top right corner of isaac sim it says that cache is off if I don’t run it and one would expect that cache might be still useful if it’s indicated on the isaac sim top right GUI. right?

Thanks for your answer.

I realized now that I’ve recognized incorrectly that what Nucleus does is what CACHE does. That’s why I talked in the wrong way.

I have another question. Sometimes, the Nucleus server is disconnected. At that time, I checked and restored with CACHE. Is there another way to do that?

@psh9002 Just to be clear, CACHE and Nucleus are completely unrelated. Cache, as it suggests in a local hard drive caching system for files pulled down from Nucleus and also from local loading. Nucleus is the connection management system to connect up to a nucleus cloud, or your local “localhost” nucleus drive.

From time to time, a Nucleus address, whether local, server or cloud, will need “re-activating” with a fresh login and authentication. If it is offline, you are best to refresh it with your log in details. It does not have anything to do with cache. Make sure you are always correctly logged in to everything. Launcher included.

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@codecraftedbot As mentioned, there is very little difference for Issac Sim if you just unistall cache. If it is not working anyway, just uninstall cache and try it out. If should be exactly the same once you load your project files a few times.


Thank you!

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