when I execute TensorRT samples (any of them) it throws an error, e.g. googlenet:
Building and running a GPU inference engine for GoogleNet, N=4...
ERROR: cudnnEngine.cpp (56) - Cuda Error in initializeCommonContext: 2
ERROR: cudnnEngine.cpp (56) - Cuda Error in initializeCommonContext: 2
sample_googlenet: sampleGoogleNet.cpp:98: void caffeToGIEModel(const string&, const string&, const std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char> >&, unsigned int, nvinfer1::IHostMemory*&): Assertion `engine' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
TensorRT 3.0.4
CUDNN 7.0.5
CUDA 9.0
Ubuntu 16.04
GTX 1080
Any suggestions how to resolve this? Thanks in advance.