There was an error running the tensorrt instance code

I made an error while running the sample for tensorrt.
Version information:
CUDA Version 9.0.176
cudnn 7.3.1

The following error is reported when running sample_mnist:

Reading Caffe prototxt: …/…/…/data/mnist/mnist.prototxt
Reading Caffe model: …/…/…/data/mnist/mnist.caffemodel
ERROR: cudnnConvolutionLayer.cpp (161) - Cudnn Error in execute: 8
ERROR: cudnnConvolutionLayer.cpp (161) - Cudnn Error in execute: 8
sample_mnist: sampleMNIST.cpp:72: void caffeToTRTModel(const string&, const string&, const std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string >&, unsigned int, nvinfer1::IHostMemory*&): Assertion `engine’ failed.
[1] 4448 abort (core dumped) ./sample_mnist

Is there any version mismatch?