Hi, I am trying to modify the boot logo of Jetson Nano 2GB.
I generated custom-bmp.blob file.
Running the following command is stuck with this message.
I’ve waited more then 30 minutes but it didn’t go to next steps.
Can you share steps you did for creating your custom blob file in detail?
Does the generated blob fit the size limit?
Quote from Linux_for_Tegra/tools/bmp-splash/bmp-blob-README.txt:
The size of the bmp.blob shipped with current L4T releases is 70988
bytes. Jetson boards allocate a BMP partition in flash*.xml that is
large enough for that size blob, plus some slack. Limit your blob to three
BMP files at most, and use compression so that it will fit on all boards.
My custom blob file size is 63kB, which is even smaller than the default Nvidia logo blob.
It’s because I used pretty simple white logo on a black background.
I tested it with Jetson Nano 4G RAM + eMMC version.
Using, jetson-nano-emmc as target.
Hi, I can successfully flashed our Nano 2GB using your logo blob on our side.
Not sure if you flashed your 2GB module with the command directly after flashing the 4GB eMMC module,
if that was the case, then the -r option would use the system image created for the 4GB eMMC module, which could not work on the 2GB module.
Can you try to replace the blob file in the BSP, and do a whole re-flash?
If it still does not work, try for a different SD card or micro USB cable for flashing.