Can't use PhysX

How to use PhysX properly? I linked all PhysX libraries but still have linker errors

1>PhysX/PhysX-3.2.2_ANDROID_SDK_Core/Lib/android9libSceneQuery.a(SqFreePruner.cpp.o): In function physx::Sq::overlapObjects(physx::Sq::Pruner*, physx::Sq::Prunable**, unsigned int, bool (*)(physx::Sq::Prunable**, unsigned int, void*), void*, physx::Gu::Sphere const&, bool)': 1> (.text._ZN5physx2Sq14overlapObjectsEPNS0_6PrunerEPPNS0_8PrunableEjPFbS5_jPvES6_RKNS_2Gu6SphereEb+0x7c): undefined reference to physx::Gu::intersectSphereAABB(physx::PxVec3 const&, float, physx::PxVec3 const&, physx::PxVec3 const&)’
1> PhysX/PhysX-3.2.2_ANDROID_SDK_Core/Lib/android9libSimulationController.a(ScBodySim.cpp.o): In function physx::Sc::BodySim::postBody2WorldChange()': 1> (.text._ZN5physx2Sc7BodySim20postBody2WorldChangeEv+0x50): undefined reference to physx::PxsRigidBody::updatePoseDependenciesV(physx::PxsContext&)’
1> PhysX/PhysX-3.2.2_ANDROID_SDK_Core/Lib/android9libSimulationController.a(ScCoreFactory.cpp.o): In function physx::Sc::CoreFactory::CoreFactory()': 1> (.text._ZN5physx2Sc11CoreFactoryC2Ev+0x8): undefined reference to physx::PxvObjectFactory::create()’

and so on

These errors appear after adding call of PxCreatePhysics function to code.

I’ve added libraries to Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies. I can’t figure out where error.


UPDATE: Number of errors depends of numbers of linked libraries. Is there need specific order of libraries?

Hi alexander000001,
Could send us a small sample to reproduce this issue? We could help you to check it.
you could send here

Ok! It’s solved.
In Linker->Command Line must be something like this:

-Wl,–start-group -lc -lm -lgcc -llog -landroid -lEGL -lGLESv2 -lsupc++ -lgnustl_static -landroidlua -lfmodex -lfmodevent -lPhysX3Common -lPvdRuntime -lSimulationController -lSceneQuery -lLowLevel -lLowLevelCloth -lPhysX3 -lPhysX3Vehicle -lPhysX3Cooking -lPhysX3Extensions -lPhysX3CharacterKinematic -lPhysXProfileSDK -lPxTask -lPhysXVisualDebuggerSDK -Wl,–end-group

Notice that system libraries such as lc, lm, lgcc, etc. must be also between -Wl,–start-group and -Wl,–end-group. So after this there is no necessary to put libraries in Linker->Input.