Changing pinmux issue


I’m trying to use RGMII on AGX Orin module.
So, I refer below guide.

I modified pinmux on /Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegra234-mb1-bct-pinmux-p3701-0000-a04.dtsi

It has weird result at each JP version as below:
JP5.0.2 (L4T-35.1) : The changed pinmux is applied
JP5.1 (L4T-35.2.1) : The pinmux file is reset to default while flash. Custom pinmux isn’t applied on target.
JP5.1.1 (L4T-35.3.1) : It is same as JP5.1

Latest versions are not applied changing pinmux.


Search that file name under bootloader/t186ref/BCT too and you will find it out.


And I found the reason.
The issue is come out when I copy “tegra234-p3701-0000-p3737-0000.dtb” from build out.
And there is no issue when I copy “tegra234-p3701-0004-p4747-0000.dtb” from build out.

I’m using the command as below:

$ sudo ./ jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk0p1

I thought DTB file is tegra234-p3701-0000-p3737-0000.dtb from configuration file.

But “tegra234-p3701-0004-p3737-0000.dtb” makes “*.rec” file when the traget is flashing.

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