Choose boot device on Xavier NX

Am working on a yocto image for Xavier NX and I need to alter the boot order of the device to emmc first instead of NVME.

Any help appreciated, is it a patch of cbo.dts i have to create??


Hi Patrick,

Welcome to the forums! Your topic belongs in the Jetson category. I will move this over so the team has visibility.


Please share which Jetpack release you are using. And do you use Xavier NX production module(with emmc instead of sd card slot)?

As far as I can tell the Jetpack version is 4.6 with L4T 32.6.1 and the NX has both an emmc and a NVME installed

I must say this is my first ever foray into nvidia ecosystem and I inherited the project from a colleague who has now left the company…

A user has shared where to modify in cboot:
Cboot 소스에서 부팅 순서 변경하려면 어떻게 해야하나요?

Please take a look and give it a try. You can click on View Translation to translate to English.

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