
i have a Problem with OpenCL on Visual Studio 2010.

I saw an example code for Vector Addition and wanted to trie it out.

So I’ve creatad a DLL to use the Code in an other Programming Language.

But always I’ll get this Error-Message:


I hope you can help me.

Oh and here are the Sourcecode’s:


[codebox]#include “OpenCL for Blitz Basic-DLL.h”

extern “C” _declspec( dllexport ) int OCL_TEST();

int OCL_TEST(void)


// Get OpenCL platform count

cl_uint NumPlatforms;

clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &NumPlatforms);

// Get all OpenCL platform IDs

cl_platform_id* PlatformIDs;

PlatformIDs = new cl_platform_id[NumPlatforms];

clGetPlatformIDs(NumPlatforms, PlatformIDs, NULL);

// Select NVIDIA platform (this example assumes it IS present)

char cBuffer[1024];

cl_uint NvPlatform;

for(cl_uint i = 0; i < NumPlatforms; ++i)


    clGetPlatformInfo(PlatformIDs[i], CL_PLATFORM_NAME, 1024, cBuffer, NULL);

    if(strstr(cBuffer, "NVIDIA") != NULL)


        NvPlatform = i;




// Get a GPU device on Platform (this example assumes one IS present)

cl_device_id cdDevice;

clGetDeviceIDs(PlatformIDs[NvPlatform], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &cdDevice, NULL);

// Create a context

cl_context hContext;

hContext = clCreateContext(0, 1, &cdDevice, NULL, NULL, NULL);

// Create a command queue for the device in the context

cl_command_queue hCmdQueue;

cl_int a;

hCmdQueue = clCreateCommandQueue(hContext, cdDevice, 0, NULL);

// Create & compile program

cl_program hProgram;

hProgram = clCreateProgramWithSource(hContext, 1, OpenCLSource, 0, 0);

a = clBuildProgram(hProgram, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

if(a != CL_SUCCESS)


    return a;


// Create kernel instance

cl_kernel hKernel;

hKernel = clCreateKernel(hProgram, "vectorAdd", 0);

// Allocate host vectors

float * pA = new float[cnDimension];

float * pB = new float[cnDimension];

float * pC = new float[cnDimension];

// Initalize host memory (using helper C function called “randomInit”)

//randomInit(pA, cnDimension);

//randomInit(pB, cnDimension);

for(int i = 0; i < cnDimension; i++)


    pA[i] = float(rand()/1000.0);

    pB[i] = float(rand()/1000.0);


// Allocate device memory (and init hDeviceMemA and hDeviceMemB)

cl_mem hDeviceMemA, hDeviceMemB, hDeviceMemC;

hDeviceMemA = clCreateBuffer(hContext,


    cnDimension * sizeof(cl_float), pA, 0);

hDeviceMemB = clCreateBuffer(hContext,


    cnDimension * sizeof(cl_float), pB, 0);

hDeviceMemC = clCreateBuffer(hContext,


    cnDimension * sizeof(cl_float), 0, 0);

// Setup parameter values

clSetKernelArg(hKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&hDeviceMemA);

clSetKernelArg(hKernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&hDeviceMemB);

clSetKernelArg(hKernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&hDeviceMemC);

// Launch kernel

clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(hCmdQueue, hKernel, 1, 0, &cnDimension, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Copy result from device back to host; block until complete

clEnqueueReadBuffer(hCmdQueue, hDeviceMemC, CL_TRUE, 0,

    cnDimension * sizeof(cl_float), pC, 0, 0, 0);

std::ofstream file;"G:\\file.txt");

for(int i = 0; i < cnDimension; i++)


file << pA[i] << " + " << pB[i] << " = " << pC[i] << std::endl;



// Cleanup

delete[] pA;

delete[] pB;

delete[] pC;

delete[] PlatformIDs;








//return 0;


OpenCL for Blitz Basic-DLL.h:

[codebox]#include <Windows.h>

#include <CL\cl.h>

#include <CL\opencl.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <assert.h>





#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

#pragma comment(lib, “user32.lib”)


// Kernel launch configuration

const unsigned int cnBlockSize = 512;

const unsigned int cnBlocks = 3;

const unsigned int cnDimension = cnBlocks * cnBlockSize;

#include “OpenCL-Source.h”[/codebox]


[codebox]// OpenCL source Code

const char* OpenCLSource = {

"__kernel void",

"vectorAdd(__global const float * a,   ",

"          __global const float * b,   ",

"          __global       float * c)   ",

"{                                     ",

"     // Vector element index           ",

"    int nIndex = get_global_id(0);    ",

"    c[nIndex] = a[nIndex] + b[nIndex];",

"}                                     "




i have a Problem with OpenCL on Visual Studio 2010.

I saw an example code for Vector Addition and wanted to trie it out.

So I’ve creatad a DLL to use the Code in an other Programming Language.

But always I’ll get this Error-Message:


I hope you can help me.

Oh and here are the Sourcecode’s:


[codebox]#include “OpenCL for Blitz Basic-DLL.h”

extern “C” _declspec( dllexport ) int OCL_TEST();

int OCL_TEST(void)


// Get OpenCL platform count

cl_uint NumPlatforms;

clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &NumPlatforms);

// Get all OpenCL platform IDs

cl_platform_id* PlatformIDs;

PlatformIDs = new cl_platform_id[NumPlatforms];

clGetPlatformIDs(NumPlatforms, PlatformIDs, NULL);

// Select NVIDIA platform (this example assumes it IS present)

char cBuffer[1024];

cl_uint NvPlatform;

for(cl_uint i = 0; i < NumPlatforms; ++i)


    clGetPlatformInfo(PlatformIDs[i], CL_PLATFORM_NAME, 1024, cBuffer, NULL);

    if(strstr(cBuffer, "NVIDIA") != NULL)


        NvPlatform = i;




// Get a GPU device on Platform (this example assumes one IS present)

cl_device_id cdDevice;

clGetDeviceIDs(PlatformIDs[NvPlatform], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &cdDevice, NULL);

// Create a context

cl_context hContext;

hContext = clCreateContext(0, 1, &cdDevice, NULL, NULL, NULL);

// Create a command queue for the device in the context

cl_command_queue hCmdQueue;

cl_int a;

hCmdQueue = clCreateCommandQueue(hContext, cdDevice, 0, NULL);

// Create & compile program

cl_program hProgram;

hProgram = clCreateProgramWithSource(hContext, 1, OpenCLSource, 0, 0);

a = clBuildProgram(hProgram, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

if(a != CL_SUCCESS)


    return a;


// Create kernel instance

cl_kernel hKernel;

hKernel = clCreateKernel(hProgram, "vectorAdd", 0);

// Allocate host vectors

float * pA = new float[cnDimension];

float * pB = new float[cnDimension];

float * pC = new float[cnDimension];

// Initalize host memory (using helper C function called “randomInit”)

//randomInit(pA, cnDimension);

//randomInit(pB, cnDimension);

for(int i = 0; i < cnDimension; i++)


    pA[i] = float(rand()/1000.0);

    pB[i] = float(rand()/1000.0);


// Allocate device memory (and init hDeviceMemA and hDeviceMemB)

cl_mem hDeviceMemA, hDeviceMemB, hDeviceMemC;

hDeviceMemA = clCreateBuffer(hContext,


    cnDimension * sizeof(cl_float), pA, 0);

hDeviceMemB = clCreateBuffer(hContext,


    cnDimension * sizeof(cl_float), pB, 0);

hDeviceMemC = clCreateBuffer(hContext,


    cnDimension * sizeof(cl_float), 0, 0);

// Setup parameter values

clSetKernelArg(hKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&hDeviceMemA);

clSetKernelArg(hKernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&hDeviceMemB);

clSetKernelArg(hKernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&hDeviceMemC);

// Launch kernel

clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(hCmdQueue, hKernel, 1, 0, &cnDimension, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// Copy result from device back to host; block until complete

clEnqueueReadBuffer(hCmdQueue, hDeviceMemC, CL_TRUE, 0,

    cnDimension * sizeof(cl_float), pC, 0, 0, 0);

std::ofstream file;"G:\\file.txt");

for(int i = 0; i < cnDimension; i++)


file << pA[i] << " + " << pB[i] << " = " << pC[i] << std::endl;



// Cleanup

delete[] pA;

delete[] pB;

delete[] pC;

delete[] PlatformIDs;








//return 0;


OpenCL for Blitz Basic-DLL.h:

[codebox]#include <Windows.h>

#include <CL\cl.h>

#include <CL\opencl.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <assert.h>





#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

#pragma comment(lib, “user32.lib”)


// Kernel launch configuration

const unsigned int cnBlockSize = 512;

const unsigned int cnBlocks = 3;

const unsigned int cnDimension = cnBlocks * cnBlockSize;

#include “OpenCL-Source.h”[/codebox]


[codebox]// OpenCL source Code

const char* OpenCLSource = {

"__kernel void",

"vectorAdd(__global const float * a,   ",

"          __global const float * b,   ",

"          __global       float * c)   ",

"{                                     ",

"     // Vector element index           ",

"    int nIndex = get_global_id(0);    ",

"    c[nIndex] = a[nIndex] + b[nIndex];",

"}                                     "



I have just few suggestions, try to check the error code of clCreateProgramWithSource function call (and all previous cl calls, do the SDK examples run successfully on your PC?). Register a callback function to clBuildProgram and see what the compiler log looks like, that will hopefully tell you more details about the errors.

I have just few suggestions, try to check the error code of clCreateProgramWithSource function call (and all previous cl calls, do the SDK examples run successfully on your PC?). Register a callback function to clBuildProgram and see what the compiler log looks like, that will hopefully tell you more details about the errors.

Did you check the configuration of your target machine type in Visual Studio? If you have a 64-bit system, you should choose ‘x64’ as configuration. I had a lot of problems with OpenCL when using win32, too.

Did you check the configuration of your target machine type in Visual Studio? If you have a 64-bit system, you should choose ‘x64’ as configuration. I had a lot of problems with OpenCL when using win32, too.

I have same problem too, however, it appears only when I compile Release configuration. Debug is fine. Both are x64