Clone orin nano ssd and flash it in other ssd

Hi Team , Hope you are doing good, I have gone couple of posts for cloning nvme and flash on other Jetson device, I am using Jetson orin nano and I want to clone my Jetson orin nano image to other Jetson orins I have in my lab, I couldn’t able to understand the things from the posts. I am new to this things. Do we need to use any device for cloning one ssd and flashing Into the other ssd, where to start with exactly, its very important to me to solve this issue, can someone help me in this regard can someone please guide me how to clone the ssd image from one orin and flash on other orin. It would be a great if u can provide step by step procedure for how to clone and flash the image which softwares required what all need to be done, please help me. Hoping for a positive reply.

Hi sandeep.kodam99,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Orin Nano?
What’s your Jetpack version in use?

Please refer to the README file in Linux_for_Tegra/tools/backup_restore .

Hi @KevinFFF , Thanks for the reply, I am using orin nano development kit 8gb, and my jetpack version is 5.1.1 version, can you please suggest me how to approach. Is the readme you are suggesting me to go through GitHub - Seeed-Studio/Linux_for_Tegra: Seeed Jetson reComputer && reServer default Image source code.🎁 🎁 🎁 , is linux_for_tegra will be installed in my orin by default if by my Nvidia sdkmanager by default if yes where to locate the folder or do we need to install it and how to do that or if possible can you share some references or steps how to do cloning and flashing new ssd since I am a beginner and cannot understand the things properly, since I cannot able to understand the sequence of steps to do and how do we flash after cloning the os, do we require any external device for flashing ? Thank you in advance

There’s the steps and the commands in the README_backup_restore.txt.

If you don’t know how to setup the BSP package from scratch, please refer to Quick Start — Jetson Linux Developer Guide documentation

Hi @KevinFFF , is this the same link you are referring to check the commands, where to find the linux_for_tegra folder in my Jetson Orin

It seems the similar file, but yours is from 3rd-party vendor.

This is the BSP package used to flash your board.
For the devkit, you will get this folder downloaded in your host if you’ve ever used SDK Manager to flash the devkit.
Or you can also download it from Driver Package (BSP) in Jetson Linux 35.3.1 | NVIDIA Developer