Hi, I am try to set up a cmake script to make a library that add Cuda support to a library.
I managed to make script that generate the visual solution 2017 solution.
after ton of error and internet search found a set con cmake statement tha create a project that compile and runs a cuda kernel.
but there is one problem that seem no open knwo how to solve.
when I clear Generate in CMake, I get this error.
CMake Error in sdk/dExtensions/dCuda/CMakeLists.txt:
CUDA_ARCHITECTURES is empty for target “ndSolverCuda”.
but the VS solution does get generated and runs.
the question is what I am support to enter in CMake to fix that error,
and what doe sit mean, it does no seem that any body really knows what that is because all recommendations I found produce bigger errors that stop cmake for making the solution.
I am using cmake 3.9.0
and the relevant cmake instruction that make it generate a solution are theses.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9.0 FATAL_ERROR)
set (projectName “ndSolverCuda”)
message (${projectName})
project(cmake_and_cuda LANGUAGES CXX CUDA)
It seems I am not allow to ask more than more than one question, so I will post the next question here.
I have a problem complining the simplest of all lambda function.
here is the code sniped.
void ndDynamicsUpdateCuda::TestCudaKernel()
int *aaa;
int *bbb;
int *ccc;
int size = 100;
cudaError_t cudaStatus;
cudaStatus = cudaMalloc((void**)&aaa, size * sizeof(int));
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess)
fprintf(stderr, "cudaMalloc failed!");
cudaStatus = cudaMalloc((void**)&bbb, size * sizeof(int));
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess)
fprintf(stderr, "cudaMalloc failed!");
cudaStatus = cudaMalloc((void**)&ccc, size * sizeof(int));
if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess)
fprintf(stderr, "cudaMalloc failed!");
auto addValue = [] __device__ (int a, int b){return a + b;};
//addKernel <<<1, 1>>> (aaa, bbb, ccc, affValue);
and I get this error.
ndDynamicsUpdateCuda.cu(1779): error : The enclosing parent function (“TestCudaKernel”) for an extended device lambda cannot have private or protected access within its class
I can’t find information about that error anywhere, this is copied almost verbatim from one of the tutorials.
I found that information about lambdas with Cuda, is very sparse even in the official SDK and samples code, in fact every piece of information I found, has turned out to just being plain not useful.
in c++ that is a not brainer
auto addValue1 = [] (int a, int b) { return a + b; };
int x = addValue1(1, 2);