Configure power mode in Drive AGX Xavier

I would like to configure the Drive Xavier to use the low power mode. Looks like it could be done using nvpmodel, but I believe that nvpmodel is only available on Jetson platforms. Is there any alternative to configuring the power mode?

Dear animeshramesh,

Unfortunately there is no way to change power mode because DriveAGX is designed to develop algorithms with best performance in max clock before optimizing. Thanks.

Hi Steve,

Is this also true for Drive Pegasus that it is already set in max clock and cannot be tuned?


Dear haoran.wang0gqpx

Yes, that’s right, please let us know if you have any issue for this topic. Thanks.

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your response.
One follow up, is there any way to check the cpu clock and gpu clock on AGX Pegasus?

“sudo nvpmodel -q” returns error and doesn’t print any useful information about clock rate.


Dear haoran.wang0gqpx,

The nvpmodel is for Jetson platforms not DriveAGX.
his SDK provides the tegrastats utility, which reports memory usage and processor usage for Tegra-based devices but not included in clock rate info. Thanks.
[url]DRIVE OS Linux

Copy, thanks. Is there any way to get the clock rate information?

Dear @SteveNV,

I have a question similar to the above.
So I looked at the document below.

Doesn’t this work?
$ sudo /usr/sbin/nvpmodel -m

As Steve mentioned, nvpmodel tool is for Jetson platforms and not for DRIVE pltaforms. There is no way to change power mode in DriveAGX.