I have CUDA 9.2.88 installed on Ubuntu 16.04.04 using the Debian packages from NVIDIA’s repo. When I query the CUDA runtime version via cudaRuntimeGetVersion, I get 9000; when I query the driver version via cudaDriverGetVersion, I get 9020. I also noticed that cufftGetVersion returns 9000. Is this discrepancy expected? Aside from version 396.26-0ubuntu1 of the NVIDIA driver package, I don’t have any other versions of libcuda.so on my system.
My motivation for asking is determining which version number to use for determining whether a certain feature is present; cufftSetCompatibilityMode was removed in CUDA 9.1 (see [url]https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cufft/index.html#unique_1820586464[/url]).