I am trying to set up a server on which to load CUDA applications. Due to a problem involving interfaces and the Ubuntu Server kernels, I went with the option of installing Ubuntu desktop and then stripping away the desktop.
With this uninstall of epic proportions, Xorg went. Now, where I once had a working machine with a 5 second limit on my kernel executions, I have a machine with no CUDA at all.
The exact message I’m getting is:
NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidia0 (No such file or directory).
cudaSafeCall() Runtime API error in file <transpose.cu>, line 113 : no CUDA-capable device is available.
This should seem to be consistent with the theory that in the absence of Xorg, the CUDA driver is not being loaded, and my beastly card is inaccessible. However, during the CUDA driver installation, I selected the option to modify my boot scripts to load the kernel. Clearly, this either failed or is not enough. Should I attempt to copy the script from the README into rc.local, or is something more necessary?