Cuda-gdb output swamped by 'cuPointerGetAttribute returned (0x1)'

When debugging a CUDA HPC application on NVHPC version 23.9 and CUDA Toolkit 12.2 with cuda-gdb, the output is full of lines like

warning: cuPointerGetAttribute returned (0x1)

this obliterates any useful output from the program and also adds measurably to the runtime!

Libraries being used are cuTENSOR,cuFFT (static version),cuBLAS,cuSOLVER,culibOS and NCCL (but being debugged on one GPU).

Hi, @iabel

We checked some HPC applications but didn’t see such warning.
Can you tell/provide HPC application for reproduce ?

Your application can still be debugged, right ?

The code is Bitbucket

If there’s something we’re doing that’s generating these warnings, I’ld love to make it stop :)
Yes, we can just about debug, but it would be great to figure out what’s doing this.

Thanks @iabel .

Can you firstly try “set cuda api_failures hide” to see if any change ?

Details please refer to CUDA-GDB

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