Hello, I am new to cuda and trying to install it on my server (CentOS). But found this error.
I have followed these steps:-
1.Download base installer (rpm network) 6.2 kb from this site-- CUDA Toolkit 11.7 Update 1 Downloads | NVIDIA Developer.
2. Followed the instructions as mentioned there.
(A) sudo rpm -i cuda-repo-rhel7-8.0.61-1.x86_64.rpm(B)
sudo yum clean all
(C) `sudo yum install cuda
- Following the step mentioned in this guide —http://developer2.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/8.0/secure/Prod2/docs/sidebar/CUDA_Installation_Guide_Linux.pdf?bq9BgwglF4TlCtrRQLu2a2dgrkfBbc9eTMsP5eFzy74DktppJJ1i7PmnnMS8wVobkOv1rXI34EzWCWMEI7IvNyGrJUW15wGx4rzNyOR7nU69-mJdULWNTIgtl3JLKIpH7HltMSar8abiCD_-YzsyTdcgBIKDca7qdwkhrFb8kZ3P2tg1f7n35dIMTg.
Then got this error. How could I resolve this error?
Error: Package: 1:nvidia-kmod-384.66-2.el7.x86_64 (cuda)
Requires: dkms
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
** Found 3 pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), ‘yum check’ output follows:
ipa-client-4.4.0-14.el7.centos.7.x86_64 has installed conflicts freeipa-client: ipa-client-4.4.0-14.el7.centos.7.x86_64
ipa-client-common-4.4.0-14.el7.centos.7.noarch has installed conflicts freeipa-client-common: ipa-client-common-4.4.0-14.el7.centos.7.noarch
ipa-common-4.4.0-14.el7.centos.7.noarch has installed conflicts freeipa-common: ipa-common-4.4.0-14.el7.centos.7.noarch
Please HELP!!!