Cuda Toolkit Kernel Dependency Debian 11

Hey everyone,

I am currently trying to set up a system with Cuda-Toolkit and Debian 11 to work with the new Yolov7 Object Detection.
I am using a RTX 3090 GPU.

My main Issue is to find a compatible setup. I’ve tried Debian 11 with the latest Cuda-Toolkit verison 11.8. The installation with the runfile seemed successful but after booting I just get a black screen which is apparently a known issue according to this thread:

I then uninstalled both, CUDA and the 520… nvidia driver.

I am having a hard time finding a compatibel Set of available Debian 11 Kernels and a Cuda-Toolkit. Is there a known stable combination or should i just try to go back to Debian 10?

and a more general question:
Does the specified kernel version in the Linux installation guide have to be the exact same or can more recent kernels also work with older Cuda versions? Many of the older Debian kernels listed in the Archiv-Docs are no longer available via Apt.

Any hints or working combinations are much appreciated.