cuPointerSetAttribute error(CUDA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) with CUDA virtual memory management API

I use the cuda low-level virtual memory management api to allocate a device memory, and then I want to synchronize memory operation initiated on this region, but get the error "cuPointerSetAttribute error(CUDA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) "
Here is my code.

#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <cuda.h>
int main() {
    int currentDevice = 0;

    int deviceSupportsVmm;
    CUresult r = cuDeviceGetAttribute(&deviceSupportsVmm, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORTED, 0);
    if(deviceSupportsVmm != 0) {
        printf("device support Virtual Memory Management\n");

    size_t size = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
    CUmemAllocationProp prop = {};

    size_t granularity = 0;
    CUresult result;
    // Calculates either the minimal or recommended granularity.
    result = cuMemGetAllocationGranularity(&granularity, &prop, CU_MEM_ALLOC_GRANULARITY_MINIMUM);
    if (result != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("cudaErrorMemoryAllocation error %d\n",result);
        return cudaErrorMemoryAllocation;

    size = ((size - 1) / granularity + 1) * granularity;

    CUmemGenericAllocationHandle allocationHandle;
    prop.type          = CU_MEM_ALLOCATION_TYPE_PINNED;
    prop.location.type = CU_MEM_LOCATION_TYPE_DEVICE;   = currentDevice;
    prop.allocFlags.gpuDirectRDMACapable = 1;
    // Create a CUDA memory handle representing a memory allocation of a given size described by the given properties.
    result = cuMemCreate(&allocationHandle, size, &prop, 0);
    if (result != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("cuMemCreate error %d\n",result);
        return cudaErrorMemoryAllocation;

    CUdeviceptr dptr;
    // Allocate an address range reservation.
    result = cuMemAddressReserve(&dptr, size, 0, 0, 0);
    if (result != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("cuMemAddressReserve error %d\n",result);
        return cudaErrorMemoryAllocation;
    printf("dptr = %p\n",dptr);
    // Maps an allocation handle to a reserved virtual address range.
    // cuMemMap can only create mappings on VA range reservations that are not currently mapped.
    result = cuMemMap(dptr, size, 0, allocationHandle, 0);
    if (result != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("cuMemMap error %d\n",result);
        return cudaErrorMemoryAllocation;

    CUmemAccessDesc accessDescriptor;   =;
    accessDescriptor.location.type = prop.location.type;
    accessDescriptor.flags         = CU_MEM_ACCESS_FLAGS_PROT_READWRITE;
    // Set the access flags for each location specified in desc for the given virtual address range.
    // Any new mapping to this virtual address will need to have access granted through cuMemSetAccess, as all mappings start with no accessibility setup.
    result = cuMemSetAccess(dptr, size, &accessDescriptor, 1);
    if (result != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("cuMemSetAccess error %d\n",result);
        return cudaErrorMemoryAllocation;

    CUmemorytype type;
    CUresult err = cuPointerGetAttribute(&type, CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_MEMORY_TYPE,dptr);
    if(err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("cuPointerGetAttribute error %d\n",err);
    else {
        if(type == CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE) {
            printf("pointer(%p) addresses device memory\n",dptr);

    uint flags = 1;
    err = cuPointerSetAttribute(&flags, CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SYNC_MEMOPS,dptr);
    if(err != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("cuPointerSetAttribute error %d\n",err);

    return cudaSuccess;

The running results are as follows, where error 801 is CUDA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED.

What CUDA version are you using?
What GPU are you running on?
What OS?

CUDA version: CUDA 11.7
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.6

It seems to be not supported (for a VMM API allocated region). try using cuMemAlloc (or cudaMalloc) instead.

Thanks for your good suggestion. But I want to implement GPUDirect RDMA with CUDA virtual memory management API.
I have read the topic Introducing Low-Level GPU Virtual Memory Management, and I found that the low level virtual memory APIs do support GPUDirect RDMA. Since the attribute in GPUDirect RDMA scope should be CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SYNC_MEMOPS, I tried to use cuPointerSetAttribute to set this attribute and failed.