Debug UART in jetson xavier NX is not working

Hi Jerry,

We are using same hardware/carrier board for both NX and Nano.

Since we use the same carrier board, with same setup cable etc with Nano module - I get debug boot logs on debug serial port (pins 236/238). But not on Nx module.

I will check with the10kohm PU resistor part.

Hi Jerry,

I and my Hardware engineer checked the design, we could not find it exactly, can you please point me where I need to check?

please refer to Carrier Board Specification.

You mean this ?

100 K or 10Kohm?

Hi, can you share the schematic of this part? What’s the difference between your design and reference? Have you probe and check the waveform of UART2 port?

Any update? Still an issue to support?

It is still an issue, not yet resolved. I will share you more details shortly