• Jetson TX2
I have Jetson TX2 with Jetpack 4.4 with deepstream 5.0. But I want to use docker container nvcr.io/nvidia/deepstream-l4t:6.0.1-samples
Is it real to use this image with this configs of Jetson TX2?
I started image with:
sudo docker run --gpus all -it -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -p -m 2g -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -w /opt/nvidia/deepstream/ nvcr.io/nvidia/deepstream-l4t:6.0.1-samples
I tried to start: deepstream-app
root@583fae93775e:/opt/nvidia/deepstream# deepstream-app deepstream-app: error while loading shared libraries: libnvinfer.so.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory