Deepstream video display on Flask web (no need Internet connection)

• Hardware Platform: Jetson NX Developer Kit
• DeepStream Version: 5.0
• JetPack Version: 4.4
• TensorRT Version: 7.1.0

Hi Sir/Madam:

I have used Deepstream for a while. Currently, I can display video locally or remotely, and I am now using Python Binding.
I am thinking how to develop a brief web UI by Flask, and display video on the web-page. This web-page is not connected to Internet.


Hey, what’s the issue you met?

I am thinking how to develop a brief web UI by Flask, and display video on the web-page. This web-page is not connected to Internet.
Is it possible if you give me some guidance, i.e. website link? Thanks a lot.

This is out of scope of DeepStream - user can take and modify the code per their needs