Details regarding the v3.1 release of CloudXR

As everyone likely knows as of 11//22/2021 the CloudXR 3.1 release was made available with the following key features:

  • Oculus client sample is now updated to Oculus Mobile SDK 1.46
  • ARCore client sample is now updated to ARCore SDK 1.26
  • Only Android 64-bit builds are supported starting at version 3.1
  • VIVE Focus 3 support is now available, Focus Plus support has been deprecated
  • WaveVR client sample is now updated to WaveVR SDK 4.1.1
  • Removal of compiled Oculus client .apk from CloudXR SDK
  • Various bug fixes

A couple notes for the Forum audience on this release:

We are excited to bring more cutting-edge features to theCloudXR community in this latest release. Usage of CloudXR by the community is maturing at a great pace and with the maturation we are modifying our CloudXR distribution slightly; one modification is the removal of the .apk file that was based on the Oculus SDK client sample. We’ve seen strong momentum from our partners taking our code samples and developing their own CloudXR client binaries. The goal of the CloudXR Software Development Kit is to give our partners an XR streaming SDK to use in extending their VR and AR applications for their respective users. The early .apk files were simply a tool meant to allow quick inspection of the SDK; the .apks were never meant to be complete end-user products. CloudXR and its community have certainly passed that early phase of asking “can VR really be streamed?” and with that passage we are focusing on developing and distributing an SDK that can grow with our XR community’s needs.

Another change in our 3.1 distribution is the deprecation of support for Vive Focus plus. While we are not fully supporting Focus plus in the 3.1 release, we did not remove the ability for someone to optimize the sample client for the Vive Focus plus. The costs for maintaining active support for older devices, in lieu of newer, higher performance devices is a critical factor in our consideration of which sample clients to optimize and actively support.


Will the next version of CloudXR add a cxrControllerType for the Oculus Quest 2 controllers?

@GJones-NVIDIA-XR-Team will full support for 90 Hz be added in the next release?

I also ask you to add support for additional trackers, so that you can, for example, track your feet.
Now, as I understand it, only two controllers are supported and more can not be transferred. But steam supports the ability to track not only hands, but also other parts of the body. It would be great if CloudXR also supported data transfer of additional sensors.

I just got an AWS instance running last night with the Oculus Quest sample project and it was amazingly easy and straightforward. Thank you so much, I’m excited to explore more.

That’s great Samuel - thanks for the feedback!

I’m getting steam vr crash with critical error