Hi @SivaRamaKrishnaNV ,
The rig.json is following:
"rig": {
"sensors": [
"name": "camera:sample0",
"nominalSensor2Rig_FLU": {
"roll-pitch-yaw": [
"t": [
"parameter": "camera-name=F008A120RM0A,interface=csi-e,CPHY-mode=1,link=1,output-format=raw,async-record=1,file-buffer-size=16777216",
"properties": {
"Model": "ftheta",
"bw-poly": "0.000000000000000 5.35356812179089e-4 4.99266072928606e-10 4.27370422037554e-12 -6.68245573791717e-16",
"cx": "1927.764404",
"cy": "1096.686646",
"height": "2168",
"width": "3848"
"protocol": "camera.gmsl"
"vehicle": {
"valid": false
"version": 2
The log is following:
nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:/usr/local/driveworks/samples/bin$ ./sample_camera --rig=/usr/local/driveworks/data/samples/sensors/camera/camera/rig_raw.json --write-file=/works/recorder/F008A120RM0A_1.raw
ProgramArguments: Missing argument ‘dwTracePath’ requested
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Platform: Detected Drive Orin P3710
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1666577470086841
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] TimeSourceVibranteLinux: detect valid PTP interface mgbe2_0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to mgbe2_0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] PTP Time is available from Eth Driver
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Adding variable DW_Base:DW_Version
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Addded variable DW_Base:DW_Version
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Platform: number of GPU devices detected 1
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Platform: currently selected GPU device 0, Resource Data Dir: trt_08_04_12_05, Arch: ga10b
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Platform: currently selected GPU device integrated ID 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] CUDLAEngine:getDLACountandCheck: CUDLA version is = 1002001
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] CUDLAEngine:getDLACountandCheck: Number of DLA devices = 2
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] ========== DLA Device 0 Attributes ==========
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] UVA supported = 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Device version = 1
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Device 0 Check PASSED
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] ========== DLA Device 1 Attributes ==========
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] UVA supported = 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Device version = 1
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Device 1 Check PASSED
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘./resources’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘./resources/resources.pak’
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.8/samples/bin/data’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.8/samples/bin/data/resources.pak’
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks/data
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks/data’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks/data/resources.pak’
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Context::findDataRootInPathWalk data/DATA_ROOT found at: /usr/local/driveworks-5.8/data
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Context::mountResourceCandidateDataPath resource FAILED to mount from ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.8/data’: VirtualFileSystem: Failed to mount ‘/usr/local/driveworks-5.8/data/resources.pak’
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Context::findResourcesPackageInPathWalk: Could not find ./resources/resources.pak in upto 7 parent directories from /usr/local/driveworks/lib/libdw_base.so.5.8
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Context::findResourcesPackageInPathWalk: Could not find ./resources/resources.pak in upto 7 parent directories from /usr/local/driveworks-5.8/targets/aarch64-Linux/lib/libdw_base.so.5.8
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] SDK: No resources(.pak) mounted, some modules will not function properly
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] SDK: use EGL display as provided
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1666577470086841
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] TimeSourceVibranteLinux: detect valid PTP interface mgbe2_0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at nvpps. Fallback to mgbe2_0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] PTP Time is available from Eth Driver
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Initialize DriveWorks SDK v5.8.82
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Release build with GNU 9.3.0 from buildbrain-branch-0-g33d6f4a1440 against Drive PDK v6.0.5.0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] SensorFactory::createSensor() → time.nvpps, nvpps-device=/dev/nvpps0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Can not create time sensor: DW_HAL_CANNOT_OPEN_CHANNEL: EndpointNVPPS: cannot open NVPPS device with name: /dev/nvpps0
Error: Permission denied
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Rig::fromFile: Loading rig file: /usr/local/driveworks/data/samples/sensors/camera/camera/rig_raw.json
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] rig::DatabaseOverlayer: Failed to open a file ‘/tmp/car_vin’ - file likely does not exist - skipping overlay
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] No valid data file found for camera:sample0 in parameter string: camera-name=F008A120RM0A,interface=csi-e,CPHY-mode=1,link=1,output-format=raw,async-record=1,file-buffer-size=16777216 (using configuration folder /usr/local/driveworks/data/samples/sensors/camera/camera/)
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] rig::DatabaseOverlayer: Failed to open a file ‘/tmp/car_vin’ - file likely does not exist - skipping overlay
onInitialize: creating camera.gmsl with params: camera-name=F008A120RM0A,interface=csi-e,CPHY-mode=1,link=1,output-format=raw,async-record=1,file-buffer-size=16777216
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl, camera-name=F008A120RM0A,interface=csi-e,CPHY-mode=1,link=1,output-format=raw,async-record=1,file-buffer-size=16777216
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] CameraGMSLSelector: missing ‘output-format=processed/yuv’ in the sensor parameters, frames might be captured with bad sensor settings(AE/AWB) and reprocess may result image quality issues
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] CameraBase: pool size set to 8
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] SensorFactory::createSensor() → camera.gmsl.master,
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] CameraMaster::parseDevBlock Getting device info list.
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] devBlock: 0 Slave = 0 Interface = csi-e Camera_name = F008A120RM0A Link = 1
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Camera Match Name: F008A120RM0A Description: Entron F008A120RM0A module - 120-deg FOV, 24-bit capture, MIPI-AR0820, MAX9295 linkIndex: 4294967295 serInfo.Name: MAX9295
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Client, Setting up information for camera ID 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Client, successfully found info for camera ID 0 bound to id 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] ImageStreamer(NvMedia → CUDA)
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] ImageStreamer(NvMedia → CUDA)
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] ImageStreamer(NvMedia → CUDA)
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] ImageStreamer(NvMedia → CUDA)
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] ImageStreamer(NvMedia → CUDA)
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] ImageStreamer(NvMedia → CUDA)
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] ImageStreamer(NvMedia → CUDA)
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] ImageStreamer(NvMedia → CUDA)
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] CameraClient: using NITO found at /opt/nvidia/nvmedia/nit/F008A120RM0A.nito
Processed not selected as master output format parameter. No images will be previewed.
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] SIPLMaster::SIPLMaster: Setting up master camera
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Platform:
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Platform Config:
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Description:
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Number of device blocks: 1
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Device Block : 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] csiPort: 6
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] i2cDevice: 2
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Deserializer Name: MAX96712
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Deserializer Description: Maxim 96712 Aggregator
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Deserializer i2cAddress: 41
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Simulator Mode: 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Passive Mode: 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Phy Mode: 1
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Number of camera modules: 1
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] CameraModule index: 1
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Name :F008A120RM0A
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Description: Entron F008A120RM0A module - 120-deg FOV, 24-bit capture, MIPI-AR0820, MAX9295
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Serializer name: MAX9295
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Serializer description: Maxim 9295 Serializer
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Serializer i2cAdress: 98
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] EEPROM name: N24C64
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] EEPROM i2cAddress: 84
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] EEPROM description: N24C64 EEPROM
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Sensor ID: 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Sensor name: AR0820
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Sensor description: OnSemi AR0820 Sensor
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Sensor i2cAddress: 16
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Sensor isTPGEnabled: 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Sensor isTriggerMode: 1
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] cfa: 35
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] embeddedTopLines: 6
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] embeddedBottomLines: 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] inputFormat: 8
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] height: 2168
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] width: 3848
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] fps: 30.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] Embedded Data: 1
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] CameraMaster available outputs: 2
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] CameraClient: setting pipeline config for camera ID 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:04] CameraMaster: master initiation
MAX96712: Revision 5 detected
MAX96712 Link 1: PHY optimization was enabled
MAX9295: Revision 8 detected!
Sensor AR0820 GRBG Rev 2.1 detected!
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] CameraMaster: Bootstrap NvSIPL and ClientPipelines complete
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] CameraClient::readEEPROMInfo:
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicModelID: 27
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[0]: -0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[1]: 0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[2]: 0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[3]: 0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[4]: 0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[5]: 0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[6]: 0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[7]: 0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[8]: 0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[9]: 1.892143e+11
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[10]: 0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[11]: 0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[12]: 0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[13]: 0.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[14]: 0.000170
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicCoeff[15]: 8.000000
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] mmIntrinsicMeasuredFlagID: 237
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] fwVersionMajor: 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] fwVersionMinor: 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] fwVersionPatch: 0
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] SAL: bootstrap complete
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] Initialize DriveWorks VisualizationSDK v5.8.82
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] Initialize DriveWorksGL SDK v5.8.82
onInitialize: Total cameras 1
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] CameraClient: camera params: format=raw,type=disk,file=/works/recorder/F008A120RM0A_1.raw
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] EncoderRAW: Reading header information
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] EncoderRAW: encoding SIPL info
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] Streamer NVM/CPU using NvSciBuffer
Main: Starting master.
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] CameraMaster: starting…
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] CameraClient: allocating image pool for ICP
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] Allocating NvSci group
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] CameraClient: Failed to register plugin!6
[24-10-2022 19:19:05] Driveworks exception thrown: DW_NVMEDIA_ERROR: CameraClient: Failed to register plugin!
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): [2022-10-24 19:19:05] DW Error DW_NVMEDIA_ERROR executing DW function:
at /usr/local/driveworks/samples/src/sensors/camera/camera/main.cpp:449