I am trying to connect a Display via Display Port with the help of an PTN3460 eDP-LVDS Brigde. This setup worked fine with an 1280x800 px Display, but now I am trying to connect a 480x320 px Display.
When creating the EDID I set the pixel frequency to 11MHz but when meassuring the frequency I get 25MHz. Which frequencys does the Xavier NX support?
When using xrandr no display shows up. I noticed that there is no predefined mode for a 480x320 px Display. Is there a way to add this mode?
The stored EDID insudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tegradc.X/edid #X=0,1,2.is correct but when I print the used mode with sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tegradc.0/mode I get the wrong mode. I think the nx can currently not apply the used resulution.
The mode your edid tells the driver to run does not meet the criteria that our driver can support.
As the log says, H_BLANK >= 25 so some conditions are invalid. You need to directly check our kernel driver to see what criteria needs to be met.
320x480 is actually a very low pixel clock. There is a known issue on jetson NX pll_d parent clock has a lower bound 40Mhz. If this head is using pll_d as parent clock, then it is very likely you would hit this issue.
A workaround is change the parent clock from pll_d to another parent clock.