Documentation inconsistency regarding MPS for Tegra


I know that MPS is not suppored on Jetson (Tegra) Platforms as you already emphasized in a few posts ( MPS for Jetson (Tegra) Devices - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson AGX Orin - NVIDIA Developer Forums, MPS supported on Jetson Orin - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson AGX Orin - NVIDIA Developer Forums). However, I believe that in such case there is an inconsistency in your documentation for MPS. The reason is that in section of 1. Introduction — Multi-Process Service r555 documentation you say that “Only Volta MPS is supported on Tegra platforms.”, which to me seems contradictory. Am I missing something?

Thank you in advance for the explanation!

Best regards,

On Tegra platform does not mean on Jetson platform, we also have DRIVE platform, Clara and IGX which are all based on Tegra.

This is fair, Tegra doesn’t necessarily imply Jetson, however, this doesn’t resolve my original question about the inconsistency because here you mention that “Multi process service (MPS) is not supported on Tegra”.

All in all, that’s not supported.

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Thanks for being interested in our CUDA MPS feature.
MPS starts to support Jetson from CUDA 12.5.

So it’s available for Orin with JetPack 6.1.
Some more information can be found here.


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