Does AMD SEV or SEV-ES support H100 CC?

My CPU supports SEV and SEV-ES, it doesn’t support SEV-SNP, can I run H100 with CC mode on it?

Yes, H100 CC could even work on non-CVM environment. But AMD CVM without SNP would have security concerns.


Thank you for your reply.

Fundamentally speaking, I do think H100 CC could work on AMD SEV/SEV-ES, but I’m not sure whether it works on ADM SEV CVM, if I follow “Confidential Computing Deployment Guide- (AMDSEV-SNP&KVM)” cc-deployment-guide-snp.pdf, does the driver released by NVIDIA support H100 CC on AMD SEV CVM currently?

It depends on your use cases. H100 does work on AMD SEV-ES VM but the system is less secure than H100 with SEV-SNP.


It depends on your use cases.

Could you please explain the cases in more detail?

If security is a big concern for you, you should use SEV-SNP.


The security of AMD SEV/SEV-ES is enough for me, I would try it with H100 CC mode.
Should I do some special configuration If I follow cc-deployment-guide-snp.pdf?

No. If you encounter any problems, feel free to post here or in Issues · NVIDIA/nvtrust · GitHub

@Yifan-Tan Thanks a lot!