I have an application that I would like to prototype on a Jetson AGX Orin Developer kit which requires the capture and processing of 4K 60 fps video. If possible, I would like to take advantage of RDMA to avoid CPU overhead. However, I have been told that the AGX Orin does not support RDMA. Can anyone confirm this? If this is true, does nVidia have any any other SOC platforms that do support RDMA or will I need a discrete GPU?
So I found this forum post: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/gpudirect-rdma-module-can-not-be-insert-into-kernel/227961 which seems to suggest a work around. I have yet to try, but before putting too much effort into it, I thought I would reach out to see if anyone has successfully enabled RDMA on the Jetson AGX Orin dev kit using this workaround? I’ll give it a go myself, and if it works I will reply to this post as well.