Does nvme-ssd needs a pre-formatting before mass flashing the orin NXs?


Hi All,

I can use the following commands to mass flash jetson, but sometimes I encounter a problem.

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --external-device nvme0n1p1 -c tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_external.xml -p “-c bootloader/t186ref/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml” --massflash 10 --no-flash --showlogs --network usb0 jetson-orin-nano-devkit external

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --flash-only --showlogs --network usb0 --massflash 10

Does nvme-ssd require a pre-formatting? I encountered some issue, such as the prompt:

Entering RCM boot

[ 0.0411 ] mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt filename is from --mb1_bin
[ 0.0411 ] psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt filename is from --psc_bl1_bin
[ 0.0411 ] rcm boot with presigned binaries
[ 0.0414 ] tegrarcm_v2 --instance 3- --new_session --chip 0x23 0 --uid --download bct_br br_bct_BR.bct --download mb1 mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download psc_bl1 psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt
[ 0.0417 ] BR_CID: 0x80012344705DE20C180000000EFE0240
[ 0.0501 ] Sending bct_br
[ 0.0568 ] ERROR: might be timeout in USB write.
Error: Return value 3
Command tegrarcm_v2 --instance 3- --new_session --chip 0x23 0 --uid --download bct_br br_bct_BR.bct --download mb1 mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download psc_bl1 psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt
Cleaning up…

flash_3- (3.5 KB)

The solution is to take out the ssd of nvme, mount it to other systems, format it, and add a partition. Then put it back and you can flash the jetson in mass flash normally.

flash_3- (40.9 KB)

I have hundreds of devices with nvme-ssd installed, and I don’t want to disassemble all the devices and then take them out and format them.

Why is this happening? I assume that the mass flash script should automatically format the ssd in the process. Please give helps, Thanks!


This is an issue caused by the USB auto suspend mechanism on your host PC, and it will happen on all Orin series devices (AGX Orin, Orin NX, Orin Nano), and you should look at this:

I don’t believe it to be a solution, and you may get it to work just because you are lucky this time.

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