Downgrading CUDA Toolkit with latest NVIDIA Drivers

Hi there, I’m currently running the following Driver 530.30.02 along with the latest Toolkit 12.1 (see below).

Now, I’m running a tool which requires a CUDA Toolkit not greater then 11.x; for this reason, I’m currently running it with Docker. So my question is, there is an easy way to downgrade my CUDA Toolkit e.g.

sudo apt-get install cuda==VERSION

and if so, which is the lowest I can go within the 11.x releases to do not incur in Drivers incompatibility?
Thanks in advance!

P. S. I’ve tried the procedure listed here but somehow it didn’t work… not sure if it’s because of Drivers incompatibility of other issues

sudo apt install cuda-toolkit-11-4
for 11.4

Thanks again @generix,

Should I first purge the current Toolkit as indicated here, or it will simply be overwritten? Thanks.

Purge everything first, then install latest driver from distro repo, last the toolkit from nvidia repo.

Good to know, thanks!

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