Downloading Nemo model using cURL and got [statusCode":"UNAUTHORIZED"]


I tried to download a model using the following command:
echo “Download Model file”

curl -LO --request GET ‘’ -H “Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}” -H “Content-Type: application/json”
Then, I got a nemo file with this content:
{“requestStatus”:{“statusCode”:“UNAUTHORIZED”,“statusDescription”:“Authentication Failed”,“requestId”:“30b4090c-77292”}}

The API key is newley generated

I followed the instructions of " [ Downloading Authenticated Access Models via WGET/cURL] "

How can I resolve it?

Hi @n.rshoudi,

Sorry for the delay in responding, I just found your post.
You might have better luck getting a response in the NeMo Github discussion area. NVIDIA/NeMo · Discussions · GitHub


The API key is newley generated how to generate api key using for curl command please share the any api created curl command