how to download the latest drivers for Mellanox ConnectX-3 MCX354A-FCBS Dual 40Gb/Sec (4x) QDR InfiniBand Host Channel Adapter in ESXI 6.7U3 for support Infiniband mode? thanks!
Check out VMware’s Compatibility Guide for the ConnectX-3:
According to the readme, the driver provided by VMware only supports Ethernet.
Hi Trmeadows,
You are right, the driver provided by vmware just support ethernet mode, now we need the driver for support infiniband mode. is possible this card can’t support infiniband mode for above exsi 6.7 version? Anyone can confirm it? thanks!
There is no ESXi driver for ESXi 6.7 for Infiniband. The last driver was IB was for ESXi 5.X.
Best Regards,