I want to learn some basics about RDMA and I got several machines that are equipped with very old NIC, which is “Mellanox Technologies MT25408A0-FCC-QI ConnectX”. However, I cannot find a proper driver for it in the internet. Does anyone have an idea of how can I proceed with this old hardware? Many thanks!
Thank you for posting your inquiry on the NVIDIA Developer Forum - Infrastructure and Networking - Section.
ConnectX adapters are end-of-life and end-of-service for awhile now. Our latest drivers (MLNX_OFED/EN), the Linux Distros INBOX drivers and the latest UpStream kernel modules, do not contain any support for the ConnectX adapter anymore.
You can try to see with loading the mlx4_core and and mlx4_en modules, if the adapter is configurable.
Our recommendation is to find a more recent adapter like the ConnectX-4, which is still supported.
Thank you and regards,
~NVIDIA Networking Technical Support
I have tried to install “MLNX_OFED_LINUX-4.9-” in Ubuntu 18.04. During the installation, an error occured for package “NEO-Host”:
If I skip this package by ./mlnxofedinstall --force --without-neohost-backend, it can finish the installation. I just wonder the usage of this package. Is it OK that I skip the installation of this package?