Emulation Flash Configurations not working with Jetpack 6.0


we tried flashing our Orin-Devkit with the following command:

sudo ./flash.sh jetson-agx-orin-devkit-as-jao-32gb internal

but when checking e.g. with tegrastats, we see that 12 cores are active (which should be only 8 in the emulation mode):

$ tegrastats
11-21-2024 17:16:39 RAM 2059/30697MB (lfb 5x4MB) SWAP 0/15349MB (cached 0MB) CPU [0%@729,0%@729,0%@729,0%@729,0%@729,0%@729,0%@729,0%@729,0%@729,0%@729,0%@729,0%@729] GR3D_FREQ 0% cpu@44.5C tboard@31.5C soc2@41.687C tdiode@36.25C soc0@41.75C tj@44.593C soc1@41.562C VDD_GPU_SOC 2379mW/2379mW VDD_CPU_CV 396mW/396mW VIN_SYS_5V0 3824mW/3824mW VDDQ_VDD2_1V8AO 402mW/402mW

also other tools, like jtop are showing 12 active cores.

/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf shows the correct configuration though:

DEFAULT primary
MENU TITLE L4T boot options
LABEL primary
      MENU LABEL primary kernel
      LINUX /boot/Image
      INITRD /boot/initrd
      APPEND ${cbootargs} root=PARTUUID=d8da58d9-f573-4d70-916a-f2a869e5f66e rw rootwait rootfstype=ext4 mminit_loglevel=4 console=ttyTCU0,115200 console=ttyAMA0,115200 firmware_class.path=/etc/firmware fbcon=map:0 net.ifnames=0 nospectre_bhb video=efifb:off console=tty0 nr_cpus=8

also, /etc/nv_boot_control.conf shows, that the emulation mode should be active:

$ cat /etc/nv_boot_control.conf
TNSPEC 3701-500-0000-J.0-1-1-jetson-agx-orin-devkit-as-jao-32gb-
COMPATIBLE_SPEC 3701-300-0000--1--jetson-agx-orin-devkit-as-jao-32gb-
TEGRA_OTA_BOOT_DEVICE /dev/mtdblock0
TEGRA_OTA_GPT_DEVICE /dev/mtdblock0`

Do you have any advice what the problem might be here? We need to configure the Orin-devkit to have the same hardware capabilities as the 32GB Module (regarding GPU and CPU).

We used the Orin devkit in the past with Jetpack 5 for example, to build engines and deployed them successfully on the 32GB module, and we would like to do this with Jetpack 6.0 as well.

Here are some suggestions for the common issues:

1. Performance

Please run the below command before benchmarking deep learning use case:

$ sudo nvpmodel -m 0
$ sudo jetson_clocks

2. Installation

Installation guide of deep learning frameworks on Jetson:

3. Tutorial

Startup deep learning tutorial:

4. Report issue

If these suggestions don’t help and you want to report an issue to us, please attach the model, command/step, and the customized app (if any) with us to reproduce locally.


Thanks for the quick response.

I think there was a misunderstanding of my post above, let me try to clarify:

  • We have a Jetson Orin DevKit .
  • We want to use it to emulate a Jetson AGX Orin module 32GB, so we flashed it with Jetpack 6.0 following Emulation Flash Configurations — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation with the jetson-agx-orin-devkit-as-jao-32gb parameter (see my post above)
  • This did not seem to work the same way as it did with Jetpack 5.0; after flashing with above command, we see that the DevKit still has 12 CPU cores active instead of 8 as before.

So, we basically want to emulate the 32GB variant with our DevKit using Jetpack6.0.

Are we missing a step? Or does it work differently now?

Hi user84666,

Do you mean that you have only AGX Orin 64GB module but you want to know the status for AGX Orin 32GB so that you are using jetson-agx-orin-devkit-as-jao-32gb board config?

Have you also tried to configure them in nvpmodel configuration(/etc/nvpmodel.conf)?
Please share the result of # nvpmodel -q --verbose on your board.

Sorry, I was mistaken on the hardware model we have (I’ll edit it in my posts above as well). We have an older AGX Orin DevKit, which in fact has only 32GB.

We want to use that to emulate a Jetson AGX Orin 32GB module, as described in Emulation Flash Configurations — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation.

Here the output of nvpmodel -q --verbose. This is after we flashed it with sudo ./flash.sh jetson-agx-orin-devkit-as-jao-32gb internal as per the documentation linked in my previous paragraph:

$ nvpmodel -q --verbose
NVPM VERB: Config file: /etc/nvpmodel.conf
NVPM VERB: parsing done for /etc/nvpmodel.conf
NVPM VERB: Current mode: NV Power Mode: MAXN
NVPM VERB: PARAM CPU_ONLINE: ARG CORE_0: PATH /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/online: REAL_VAL: 1 CONF_VAL: 1
NVPM VERB: PARAM CPU_ONLINE: ARG CORE_1: PATH /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online: REAL_VAL: 1 CONF_VAL: 1
NVPM VERB: PARAM CPU_ONLINE: ARG CORE_2: PATH /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/online: REAL_VAL: 1 CONF_VAL: 1
NVPM VERB: PARAM CPU_ONLINE: ARG CORE_3: PATH /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/online: REAL_VAL: 1 CONF_VAL: 1
NVPM VERB: PARAM CPU_ONLINE: ARG CORE_4: PATH /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/online: REAL_VAL: 1 CONF_VAL: 1
NVPM VERB: PARAM CPU_ONLINE: ARG CORE_5: PATH /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu5/online: REAL_VAL: 1 CONF_VAL: 1
NVPM VERB: PARAM CPU_ONLINE: ARG CORE_6: PATH /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/online: REAL_VAL: 1 CONF_VAL: 1
NVPM VERB: PARAM CPU_ONLINE: ARG CORE_7: PATH /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu7/online: REAL_VAL: 1 CONF_VAL: 1
NVPM VERB: PARAM TPC_POWER_GATING: ARG TPC_PG_MASK: PATH /sys/devices/platform/gpu.0/tpc_pg_mask: REAL_VAL: 128 CONF_VAL: 128
NVPM VERB: PARAM GPU_POWER_CONTROL_ENABLE: ARG GPU_PWR_CNTL_EN: PATH /sys/devices/platform/gpu.0/power/control: REAL_VAL: auto CONF_VAL: on
NVPM VERB: PARAM CPU_A78_0: ARG MIN_FREQ: PATH /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: REAL_VAL: 729600 CONF_VAL: 729600
NVPM VERB: PARAM CPU_A78_0: ARG MAX_FREQ: PATH /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq: REAL_VAL: 2188800 CONF_VAL: 9223372036854775807
NVPM VERB: PARAM CPU_A78_1: ARG MIN_FREQ: PATH /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq: REAL_VAL: 729600 CONF_VAL: 729600
NVPM VERB: PARAM CPU_A78_1: ARG MAX_FREQ: PATH /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq: REAL_VAL: 2188800 CONF_VAL: 9223372036854775807
NVPM VERB: PARAM GPU: ARG MIN_FREQ: PATH /sys/devices/platform/17000000.gpu/devfreq_dev/min_freq: REAL_VAL: 306000000 CONF_VAL: 0
NVPM VERB: PARAM GPU: ARG MAX_FREQ: PATH /sys/devices/platform/17000000.gpu/devfreq_dev/max_freq: REAL_VAL: 930750000 CONF_VAL: 9223372036854775807
NVPM VERB: PARAM GPU_POWER_CONTROL_DISABLE: ARG GPU_PWR_CNTL_DIS: PATH /sys/devices/platform/gpu.0/power/control: REAL_VAL: auto CONF_VAL: auto
NVPM VERB: PARAM EMC: ARG MAX_FREQ: PATH /sys/kernel/nvpmodel_clk_cap/emc: REAL_VAL: 3199000000 CONF_VAL: 9223372036854775807
NVPM VERB: PARAM DLA0_CORE: ARG MAX_FREQ: PATH /sys/devices/platform/bus@0/13e00000.host1x/15880000.nvdla0/clk_cap/dla0_core: REAL_VAL: 1408000000 CONF_VAL: 9223372036854775807
NVPM VERB: PARAM DLA1_CORE: ARG MAX_FREQ: PATH /sys/devices/platform/bus@0/13e00000.host1x/158c0000.nvdla1/clk_cap/dla1_core: REAL_VAL: 1408000000 CONF_VAL: 9223372036854775807
NVPM VERB: PARAM DLA0_FALCON: ARG MAX_FREQ: PATH /sys/devices/platform/bus@0/13e00000.host1x/15880000.nvdla0/clk_cap/dla0_falcon: REAL_VAL: 742400000 CONF_VAL: 9223372036854775807
NVPM VERB: PARAM DLA1_FALCON: ARG MAX_FREQ: PATH /sys/devices/platform/bus@0/13e00000.host1x/158c0000.nvdla1/clk_cap/dla1_falcon: REAL_VAL: 742400000 CONF_VAL: 9223372036854775807
NVPM VERB: PARAM PVA0_VPS: ARG MAX_FREQ: PATH /sys/devices/platform/bus@0/13e00000.host1x/16000000.pva0/clk_cap/pva0_vps: REAL_VAL: 1190400000 CONF_VAL: 9223372036854775807
NVPM VERB: PARAM PVA0_AXI: ARG MAX_FREQ: PATH /sys/devices/platform/bus@0/13e00000.host1x/16000000.pva0/clk_cap/pva0_cpu_axi: REAL_VAL: 857600000 CONF_VAL: 9223372036854775807

There are indeed only 8 cores listed, however jtop, tegrastats (see my post above) htop report 12 active cores.

Does this mean the emulation mode is already active? Or is some additional step needed?
When we did the emulation flashing with JetPack 5, it showed us only 8 cores in jtop, without having to reconfigure the nvpmodel config.