Hello, I’m completely newbie do this subject but I need to build a small project for embedding AI on small/medium drones to detect a sort of things. We’ve imagined 4 drones flying at the same time. In order to develop the solution, which Jetson Orin Nano hardware do we need? One sensible logic would have 1 Jetson Orin Nano Development Kit and 3 Jetson Orin Nano boards? Or we need 4 development kits? Is Orin a good starting point? Which device is “installed” on drones, a board or a module or what? how about RAM, all these 4 devices must have the same amount of RAM, don’t they? Thanks for any clue. BR
Suggest to find more information from those drone project sharing at Search results for ‘drone #jetson-embedded-systems:jetson-projects’ - NVIDIA Developer Forums as the reference.
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