Exception: prim path Expression

Isaac Sim Version


Operating System

Windows 11

GPU Information

  • Model: RTX 4070 Super
  • Driver Version: 560.94

Topic Description

Detailed Description

(Describe the issue in detail, including what you were trying to do, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened)


I am trying this tutorial - Adding a New Manipulator — Omniverse IsaacSim

I am stuck in “Controlling Gripper” Section. I have copy pasted the code (updated it my drive path) as mentioned in these tutorial. But I am getting this error:

My python file

I am trying to launch python script through command line

Any help of on this topic will be really appreciated

Hi @surinderdhawan93

Could you please double check that the end_effector_prim_path you provide exist?

Yes I Have checked it, instead the Prim paths are directly copy pasted from Isaac itself