Fail to setup microk8s on Jetson Orin Nano with missing kernel modules

Hi All,

I’m currently setting up a MicroK8s cluster using a set of Jetson Orin Nano devices. However, I’m encountering issues when trying to start calico, with logs indicating that the ip_set kernel module is missing.

After some research, I came across the following resources:

  1. Jetson Devices Join to K8s Issue
  2. NVIDIA Jetson Kernel Documentation

Based on these, it appears that recompiling the kernel is required to include the missing module. However, this process seems quite demanding for hobbyists.

Would it be possible to provide a step-by-step guide, or consider including the ip_set module in a future JetPack release to simplify the setup process?

Many thanks for your support!

The steps in developer guide shall be clear. Furthermore please refer to the post:
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