I followed the tutorial in for ZED2i camera in isaac_ros_visual_slam — isaac_ros_docs documentation
For ZED2i I successfully managed to complete the setup: Isaac ROS ZED Setup — isaac_ros_docs documentation
All installations with Docker for x86_64 seemed to be successful.
The problem arises when executing:
ros2 launch isaac_ros_examples isaac_ros_examples.launch.py launch_fragments:=zed_stereo_rect,visual_slam pub_frame_rate:=30.0 base_frame:=zed2_camera_center camera_optical_frames:="['zed2_left_camera_optical_frame', 'zed2_right_camera_optical_frame']" interface_specs_file:=${ISAAC_ROS_WS}/isaac_ros_assets/isaac_ros_visual_slam/zed2_quickstart_interface_specs.json
I tried to follow similar issues, but they seemed to be more related to Jetson: Failed to initialize CUVSLAM tracker: 4
Do you have any suggestion to debug this problem?
As an additional notice, the problem seemed to arise also for ROSBag