Version info:
Windows 10 Enterprise
Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134
NVIDIA Nsight Systems
2019.2.1.24-fa5362f Windows-x64
Driver Version: 418.96
CUDA Version: 10.1
Hardware info:
3x GeForce GTX 1080
I setup a test project in Nsight Systems to experiment with profiling. However, after clicking “start” I can see the test executable in Task Manager listed as suspended but the profiler never starts. Eventually Nsight Systems reports back the following errors:
Error occurred:
Failed to start profiler.
RuntimeError (120) {
RequestTimeoutError (906) {
ServiceName: AnalysisService
MethodName: Init
Error occurred:
Failed to start profiling session.
If this error persists, please restart the app and/or reboot the device.
Version information: NVIDIA Nsight Systems, 2019.2.1.24-fa5362f Windows-x64
Full error information:
StartAnalysisError (4105) {
RuntimeError (120) {
OriginalExceptionClass: class boost::exception_detail::clone_impl
OriginalFile: d:\tc\20a3cfcd1c25021d\quadd\host\analysis\clients\analysishelper\analysisstatus.cpp
OriginalLine: 80
OriginalFunction: class Nvidia::QuadD::Analysis::Data::AnalysisStatusInfo __cdecl QuadDAnalysis::AnalysisHelper::AnalysisStatus::MakeFromErrorString(enum Nvidia::QuadD::Analysis::Data::AnalysisStatus,enum Nvidia::QuadD::Analysis::Data::AnalysisErrorType::Type,const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits,class std::allocator > &,const class boost::intrusive_ptr &)
ErrorText: Failed to initialize analysis.
Profiling options:
DeviceId: “Local”
EventTypes {
RateHz: 1000
HowToStart: Immediate
HowToStop: Manual
DeviceType: Windows
DeviceDisplayName: “DESKTOP-F03PC6B”
Processes {
HowToAttach: LaunchAnother
Command: “”
WorkingDirectory: “”
UserName: “admin”
Does anyone have some advice on what I need to do to get the profiling working with my system?