Faulty TX2?


I’m having a similar issue to the person in this post:

I have 2 TX2 boards, one flashes fine, the other fails. Trying to manually flash, I get this:

sudo ./flash.sh jetson-tx2 mmcblk0p1
# L4T BSP Information:
# R32 (release), REVISION: 1.0, GCID: 14531094, BOARD: t186ref, EABI: aarch64, 
# DATE: Wed Mar 13 07:41:08 UTC 2019
# Target Board Information:
# Name: jetson-tx2, Board Family: t186ref, SoC: Unknown, 
# OpMode: pre-production, Boot Authentication: , 
Error: The Actual SoC ID(0x00) mismatches intended jetson-tx2 SoC ID(0x18).

Does this mean I have a faulty board, as suggested in the other thread? The board seems to work fine, except for this error when trying to flash.


Actually, I only get the above response after a failed flash attempt. After restart when I run flash.sh, I get this:

*** Flashing target device started. ***
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[   0.0704 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --getmode mode.txt
[   0.0795 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   0.1021 ] 
[   0.1022 ] Generating RCM messages
[   0.1054 ] tegrarcm_v2 --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x18 0 --download rcm mb1_recovery_prod.bin 0 0
[   0.1110 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
[   0.1132 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
[   0.1142 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
[   0.1249 ] 
[   0.1250 ] Signing RCM messages
[   0.1265 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.1276 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   0.1528 ] 
[   0.1529 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
[   0.1542 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x18 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml
[   0.1648 ] 
[   0.1649 ] Parsing partition layout
[   0.1729 ] tegraparser_v2 --pt flash.xml.tmp
[   0.1927 ] 
[   0.1928 ] Creating list of images to be signed
[   0.1946 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 0 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --list images_list.xml zerosbk
[   0.2783 ] 
[   0.2784 ] Generating signatures
[   0.2797 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list images_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.2850 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   0.8205 ] 
[   0.8207 ] Generating br-bct
[   0.8224 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[   0.8226 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param emmc.cfg --sdram P3310_A00_8GB_Samsung_8GB_lpddr4_204Mhz_A02_l4t.cfg --brbct br_bct.cfg --chip 0x18 0
[   0.8843 ] 
[   0.8844 ] Updating bl info
[   0.8856 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x18 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
[   0.8923 ] 
[   0.8923 ] Updating smd info
[   0.8933 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x18 --updatesmdinfo flash.xml.bin
[   0.9024 ] 
[   0.9025 ] Updating Odmdata
[   0.9043 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x18 0 --updatefields Odmdata =0x1090000
[   0.9144 ] 
[   0.9145 ] Get Signed section of bct
[   0.9168 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x18 0 --listbct bct_list.xml
[   0.9222 ] 
[   0.9234 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
[   0.9244 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   0.9322 ] 
[   0.9323 ] Updating BCT with signature
[   0.9333 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x18 0 --updatesig bct_list_signed.xml
[   0.9564 ] 
[   0.9565 ] Generating coldboot mb1-bct
[   0.9577 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x18 0 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct.cfg --sdram P3310_A00_8GB_Samsung_8GB_lpddr4_204Mhz_A02_l4t.cfg --misc tegra186-mb1-bct-misc-si-l4t.cfg --scr mobile_scr.cfg --pinmux tegra186-mb1-bct-pinmux-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg --pmc tegra186-mb1-bct-pad-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg --pmic tegra186-mb1-bct-pmic-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg --brcommand tegra186-mb1-bct-bootrom-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg --prod tegra186-mb1-bct-prod-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg
[   0.9588 ] MB1-BCT version: 0xf
[   0.9596 ] Copying Sdram info from 2 to 3 set
[   0.9748 ] Packing sdram param for instance[0]
[   0.9758 ] Packing sdram param for instance[1]
[   0.9771 ] Packing sdram param for instance[2]
[   0.9826 ] Packing sdram param for instance[3]

[   0.9833 ] Parsing config file :tegra186-mb1-bct-pinmux-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg 
[   0.9866 ] Appending platform config data of size :- 2952

[   0.9888 ] Parsing config file :mobile_scr.cfg 
[   0.9899 ] Appending platform config data of size :- 12240

[   0.9926 ] Parsing config file :tegra186-mb1-bct-pad-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg 
[   0.9947 ] Appending platform config data of size :- 24

[   0.9964 ] Parsing config file :tegra186-mb1-bct-pmic-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg 
[   0.9979 ] Appending platform config data of size :- 468
[   0.9980 ] 
[   0.9980 ] Parsing config file :tegra186-mb1-bct-bootrom-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg 
[   0.9981 ] Appending platform config data of size :- 64
[   0.9981 ] 
[   0.9981 ] Parsing config file :tegra186-mb1-bct-prod-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg 
[   0.9982 ] Appending platform config data of size :- 1628
[   0.9982 ] 
[   0.9983 ] Updating mb1-bct with firmware information
[   0.9995 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x18 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --updatefwinfo flash.xml.bin
[   1.0007 ] MB1-BCT version: 0xf
[   1.0081 ] 
[   1.0082 ] Updating mb1-bct with storage information
[   1.0091 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x18 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --updatestorageinfo flash.xml.bin
[   1.0103 ] MB1-BCT version: 0xf
[   1.0182 ] 
[   1.0207 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 --align mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct
[   1.0281 ] 
[   1.0294 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct zerosbk
[   1.0361 ] 
[   1.0373 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct_list.xml
[   1.0384 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   1.0441 ] 
[   1.0457 ] tegrahost_v2 --updatesigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.hash zerosbk
[   1.0561 ] 
[   1.0563 ] Generating recovery mb1-bct
[   1.0582 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x18 0 --mb1bct mb1_bct.cfg --sdram P3310_A00_8GB_Samsung_8GB_lpddr4_204Mhz_A02_l4t.cfg --misc tegra186-mb1-bct-misc-si-l4t.cfg --scr minimal_scr.cfg --pinmux tegra186-mb1-bct-pinmux-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg --pmc tegra186-mb1-bct-pad-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg --pmic tegra186-mb1-bct-pmic-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg --brcommand tegra186-mb1-bct-bootrom-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg --prod tegra186-mb1-bct-prod-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg
[   1.0595 ] MB1-BCT version: 0xf
[   1.0605 ] Copying Sdram info from 2 to 3 set
[   1.0748 ] Packing sdram param for instance[0]
[   1.0761 ] Packing sdram param for instance[1]
[   1.0774 ] Packing sdram param for instance[2]
[   1.0786 ] Packing sdram param for instance[3]

[   1.0798 ] Parsing config file :tegra186-mb1-bct-pinmux-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg 
[   1.0852 ] Appending platform config data of size :- 2952

[   1.0886 ] Parsing config file :minimal_scr.cfg 
[   1.0912 ] Appending platform config data of size :- 12240
[   1.0913 ] 
[   1.0913 ] Parsing config file :tegra186-mb1-bct-pad-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg 
[   1.0914 ] Appending platform config data of size :- 24
[   1.0914 ] 
[   1.0914 ] Parsing config file :tegra186-mb1-bct-pmic-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg 
[   1.0915 ] Appending platform config data of size :- 468
[   1.0915 ] 
[   1.0915 ] Parsing config file :tegra186-mb1-bct-bootrom-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg 
[   1.0916 ] Appending platform config data of size :- 64
[   1.0916 ] 
[   1.0916 ] Parsing config file :tegra186-mb1-bct-prod-quill-p3310-1000-a00.cfg 
[   1.0917 ] Appending platform config data of size :- 1628
[   1.0917 ] 
[   1.0918 ] Updating mb1-bct with firmware information
[   1.0937 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x18 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --updatefwinfo flash.xml.bin
[   1.0949 ] MB1-BCT version: 0xf
[   1.0999 ] 
[   1.1000 ] Updating mb1-bct with storage information
[   1.1010 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x18 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --updatestorageinfo flash.xml.bin
[   1.1021 ] MB1-BCT version: 0xf
[   1.1088 ] 
[   1.1099 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 --align mb1_bct_MB1.bct
[   1.1216 ] 
[   1.1242 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader mb1_bct_MB1.bct zerosbk
[   1.1289 ] 
[   1.1305 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct_list.xml
[   1.1314 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   1.1368 ] 
[   1.1382 ] tegrahost_v2 --updatesigheader mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.hash zerosbk
[   1.1448 ] 
[   1.1450 ] Copying signatures
[   1.1462 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 0 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
[   1.1926 ] 
[   1.1927 ] Boot Rom communication
[   1.1941 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x18 0 --rcm rcm_list_signed.xml
[   1.1954 ] BootRom is not running
[   6.3644 ] 
[   7.3706 ] tegrarcm_v2 --isapplet
[   7.3754 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   7.7403 ] 
[   7.7407 ] Sending BCTs
[   7.7526 ] tegrarcm_v2 --download bct_bootrom br_bct_BR.bct --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt
[   7.7575 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   7.9072 ] Sending bct_bootrom
[   7.9086 ] [................................................] 100%
[   7.9511 ] Sending bct_mb1
[   7.9751 ] [................................................] 100%
[   8.0762 ] 
[   8.0807 ] Generating blob
[   8.0896 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 --align blob_nvtboot_recovery_cpu.bin
[   8.1002 ] 
[   8.1042 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader blob_nvtboot_recovery_cpu.bin zerosbk
[   8.1277 ] 
[   8.1345 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list blob_nvtboot_recovery_cpu_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   8.1371 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   8.1568 ] 
[   8.1598 ] tegrahost_v2 --updatesigheader blob_nvtboot_recovery_cpu_sigheader.bin.encrypt blob_nvtboot_recovery_cpu_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   8.1728 ] 
[   8.1743 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 --align blob_nvtboot_recovery.bin
[   8.1807 ] 
[   8.1817 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader blob_nvtboot_recovery.bin zerosbk
[   8.1887 ] 
[   8.1900 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list blob_nvtboot_recovery_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   8.1911 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   8.2047 ] 
[   8.2067 ] tegrahost_v2 --updatesigheader blob_nvtboot_recovery_sigheader.bin.encrypt blob_nvtboot_recovery_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   8.2126 ] 
[   8.2137 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 --align blob_preboot_d15_prod_cr.bin
[   8.2206 ] 
[   8.2216 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader blob_preboot_d15_prod_cr.bin zerosbk
[   8.2286 ] 
[   8.2350 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list blob_preboot_d15_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   8.2367 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   8.2446 ] 
[   8.2461 ] tegrahost_v2 --updatesigheader blob_preboot_d15_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt blob_preboot_d15_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   8.2526 ] 
[   8.2540 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 --align blob_mce_mts_d15_prod_cr.bin
[   8.2605 ] 
[   8.2614 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader blob_mce_mts_d15_prod_cr.bin zerosbk
[   8.2766 ] 
[   8.2781 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list blob_mce_mts_d15_prod_cr_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   8.2791 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   8.3363 ] 
[   8.3378 ] tegrahost_v2 --updatesigheader blob_mce_mts_d15_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt blob_mce_mts_d15_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   8.3479 ] 
[   8.3503 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 --align blob_bpmp.bin
[   8.3563 ] 
[   8.3573 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader blob_bpmp.bin zerosbk
[   8.3665 ] 
[   8.3698 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list blob_bpmp_sigheader.bin_list.xml
[   8.3711 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   8.3882 ] 
[   8.3897 ] tegrahost_v2 --updatesigheader blob_bpmp_sigheader.bin.encrypt blob_bpmp_sigheader.bin.hash zerosbk
[   8.3961 ] 
[   8.3975 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 --align blob_tegra186-a02-bpmp-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00-te770d-ucm2.dtb
[   8.4082 ] 
[   8.4099 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader blob_tegra186-a02-bpmp-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00-te770d-ucm2.dtb zerosbk
[   8.4161 ] 
[   8.4173 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list blob_tegra186-a02-bpmp-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00-te770d-ucm2_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   8.4185 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   8.4383 ] 
[   8.4400 ] tegrahost_v2 --updatesigheader blob_tegra186-a02-bpmp-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00-te770d-ucm2_sigheader.dtb.encrypt blob_tegra186-a02-bpmp-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00-te770d-ucm2_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   8.4480 ] 
[   8.4492 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 --align blob_tos-mon-only.img
[   8.4560 ] 
[   8.4571 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader blob_tos-mon-only.img zerosbk
[   8.4640 ] 
[   8.4651 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list blob_tos-mon-only_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   8.4661 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   8.4799 ] 
[   8.4815 ] tegrahost_v2 --updatesigheader blob_tos-mon-only_sigheader.img.encrypt blob_tos-mon-only_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   8.4879 ] 
[   8.4890 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 --align blob_eks.img
[   8.4977 ] 
[   8.4987 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader blob_eks.img zerosbk
[   8.5089 ] 
[   8.5105 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list blob_eks_sigheader.img_list.xml
[   8.5115 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   8.5168 ] 
[   8.5190 ] tegrahost_v2 --updatesigheader blob_eks_sigheader.img.encrypt blob_eks_sigheader.img.hash zerosbk
[   8.5249 ] 
[   8.5260 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 --align blob_tegra186-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00-base.dtb
[   8.5327 ] 
[   8.5336 ] tegrahost_v2 --appendsigheader blob_tegra186-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00-base.dtb zerosbk
[   8.5448 ] 
[   8.5464 ] tegrasign_v2 --key None --list blob_tegra186-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00-base_sigheader.dtb_list.xml
[   8.5478 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[   8.5607 ] 
[   8.5622 ] tegrahost_v2 --updatesigheader blob_tegra186-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00-base_sigheader.dtb.encrypt blob_tegra186-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00-base_sigheader.dtb.hash zerosbk
[   8.5687 ] 
[   8.5703 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x18 --generateblob blob.xml blob.bin
[   8.5754 ] number of images in blob are 9
[   8.5777 ] blobsize is 3865752
[   8.5782 ] Added binary blob_nvtboot_recovery_cpu_sigheader.bin.encrypt of size 202832
[   8.5821 ] Added binary blob_nvtboot_recovery_sigheader.bin.encrypt of size 89184
[   8.5845 ] Added binary blob_preboot_d15_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt of size 63104
[   8.5872 ] Added binary blob_mce_mts_d15_prod_cr_sigheader.bin.encrypt of size 2082144
[   8.5918 ] Added binary blob_bpmp_sigheader.bin.encrypt of size 533056
[   8.5942 ] Added binary blob_tegra186-a02-bpmp-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00-te770d-ucm2_sigheader.dtb.encrypt of size 466128
[   8.5973 ] Added binary blob_tos-mon-only_sigheader.img.encrypt of size 83760
[   8.5992 ] Added binary blob_eks_sigheader.img.encrypt of size 1440
[   8.6023 ] Added binary blob_tegra186-quill-p3310-1000-a00-00-base_sigheader.dtb.encrypt of size 343952
[   8.6126 ] 
[   8.6127 ] Sending bootloader and pre-requisite binaries
[   8.6141 ] tegrarcm_v2 --download blob blob.bin
[   8.6162 ] Applet version 01.00.0000
[   8.8943 ] Sending blob
[   9.1608 ] 
Error: Return value 1
Command tegrarcm_v2 --download blob blob.bin
Failed flashing t186ref.

In following this post:

I tried changing flash.sh to ext3 and removing metadata_csum,64bit from /etc/mke2fs.conf but I still get the same issue.

I think it is a faulty devices.
You could still try to use rel-28 based BSP (jetpack3.x) to flash the board and see if it works. According to the flash error, you are using jetpack4.2, right?

Yes, I was using Jetpack 4.2. I tried with Jetpack 3.3, and I get the same result.

Please start the RMA process. Thanks.

User error. I was trying to flash as a TX2, but I had grabbed a TX2i.