FP16AndFP32 speed question

Why is the FP16 much slower than the FP32 on jetson axiver? I’m just doing simple addition。
Cuda 10.0
coda like this

global static void squaresSum_half2(half2 *data, half2 *sum,half2 des)
for (int i=0;i<512
des[i] = __hadd2(data[i],sum[i]);


global static void squaresSum(float *data, float *sum,float des)
for (int i=0;i<512
des[i] = sum[i]+data[i];

Hi 454193977,

How are you compiling the code? (What is your exact compile command line?)
How are you running the code? (What is your exact execution command line?)
What is the exact output generated when you run it on your Xavier?
Which Jetpack is installed on your Xavier?

I solved this problem because I used the debug compile parameter。

Good to know this.
Thanks for the feedback.