global Variables and MultiGPU

Hi i have some problems with mapping a texture to a 3D Array when using multiple GPUs:

These are the global variables how they are defined in my file:

[codebox]cudaArray *d_brickArray[BRICK_COUNT] = {0};

texture<VolumeType, 3, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat> tex;[/codebox]

This is the host function i use to copy data to the array:

[codebox]extern “C”

void copyBrickDataToCuda(void *h_brick, cudaExtent brickSize, int brickNumber)


int id;


printf("Copy brick %d on device %d\n", brickNumber, id);

cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<VolumeType>();

cutilSafeCall( cudaMalloc3DArray(&d_brickArray[brickNumber], &channelDesc, brickSize) );

// copy data to 3D array

cudaMemcpy3DParms copyParams = {0};

copyParams.srcPtr   = make_cudaPitchedPtr(h_brick, brickSize.width*sizeof(VolumeType), brickSize.depth, brickSize.height);

copyParams.dstArray = d_brickArray[brickNumber];

copyParams.extent   = brickSize;

copyParams.kind     = cudaMemcpyHostToDevice;

cutilSafeCall( cudaMemcpy3D(&copyParams) );    


And with this function i map the texture to the array:

[codebox]extern “C”

void mapTextureToArray(int brickNumber)


int id;


printf("Mapping brick %d on device %d\n", brickNumber, id);

 // bind array to 3D texture

cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<VolumeType>();

cutilSafeCall(cudaBindTextureToArray(tex, d_brickArray[brickNumber], channelDesc));


now in my main cpp i have a parallel section like this:




// distribute bricks across gpus

int numberOfBricksPerGPU = NUMBEROFBRICKS / gpuCount;

#pragma omp parallel


     uint cpu_thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();

     if(cpu_thread_id != 0)






    printf("Thread %d: loading brick nr %d to Device %d\n", cpu_thread_id, i, threadDeviceId);

copyBrickDataToCuda(h_brick, brickSize, i);




    cutilCheckMsg("kernel failed");


if i set the number of threads to use to 0 it works. Furthermore, if using multiple threads, the first thread

(the one which uses the device that was set before) runs without problems. All other threads give error message

in line where the cutilCheckMsg call is placed saying, “kernel failed: invalid resource handle”

So i decided to test it with a call to a completely empty kernel. but with the same result. Even the empty kernel says: “kernel failed: invalid resource handle”

i have been able to narrow the problem down to the call of the “mapTextureToArray()” function. (i think) because when i don’t call this function the empty

kernel runs without errors.

So the question is, how are the global variables handled when using multiple threads to run multiple gpus at once. As far as i know, the API should in a way

copy the hole context for each thread so that every host thread has access to the same resources (correct me please if this is wrong)

I just can’t the the problem in here.

I’m running this on a Win 7 x64 System. Available is on Quadro FX5800 and two Tesla C1060.

Driver Version is 260.61 and Cuda Toolkit is of Version 3.2

Best regards


this one is solved. I accidentally messed up with the indices of the
array. This way some threads tried to access the same array index at one time.

Sorry for that but i just didn’t realize it yesterday. (Sometimes it’s best to take some sleep
and again have a look on the code :rolleyes:

this one is solved. I accidentally messed up with the indices of the
array. This way some threads tried to access the same array index at one time.

Sorry for that but i just didn’t realize it yesterday. (Sometimes it’s best to take some sleep
and again have a look on the code :rolleyes: