deepstream docker:
GPU: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti or 2080 Ti
Hi, we have a multi-source application, our deepstream pipeline is showed below:
we set 4 rtmp input, and the osd’s callback function is:
GstPadProbeReturn osd_sink_pad_buffer_probe(GstPad* pad, GstPadProbeInfo* info, gpointer u_data)
int rtmpSourceId = (int)u_data;
GstBuffer* buf = (GstBuffer*) info->data;
GstMapInfo map;
if(!gst_buffer_map(buf, &map, GST_MAP_READ))
printf(“Gst buffer is empty\n”);
NvBufSurface* nvsurface = ((NvBufSurface*);
NvDsBatchMeta* batch_meta = gst_buffer_get_nvds_batch_meta(buf);
for(NvDsMetaList* frame_meta = batch_meta->frame_meta_list; frame_meta != NULL; frame_meta = frame_meta->next)
NvDsFrameMeta *frame_meta_data = (NvDsFrameMeta*)(frame_meta->data);
int imageWidth = frame_meta_data->source_frame_width;
int imageHeight = frame_meta_data->source_frame_height;
// save frame
cv::Mat image = nvBufferSurface2CVmat(nvsurface, frame_meta_data->batch_id);
std::string imagePath = "./" + std::toString(rtmpSourceId) + "_" + std::toString(getCurrentTime()) + ".jpg";
cv::imwrite(imagePath, image);
cv::Mat nvBufferSurface2CVmat(NvBufSurface* nvsurface, uint batch_id)
#define FRAME_BTYE_SIZE = 1920x1080x4
if(nvsurface->surfaceList[batch_id].dataSize > FRAME_BTYE_SIZE)
printf(“nvSurface buffer’s size is beyond common size(%d)\n”, FRAME_BTYE_SIZE);
char* pFrameVideoDataBuffer = nullptr;
if (nvsurface->memType == NvBufSurfaceMemType::NVBUF_MEM_DEFAULT)
pFrameVideoDataBuffer = new char[FRAME_BTYE_SIZE];
cudaMemcpy(pFrameVideoDataBuffer, nvsurface->surfaceList[batch_id].dataPtr, nvsurface->surfaceList[batch_id].dataSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
printf("nvsurface memory type: %d\n", nvsurface->memType);
cv::Mat image = cv::Mat(cv::Size(nvsurface->surfaceList[batch_id].width, nvsurface->surfaceList[batch_id].height), CV_8UC4, \
(char*)pFrameVideoDataBuffer, cv::Mat::AUTO_STEP);
delete[] pFrameVideoDataBuffer;
cvtColor(image, image, cv::COLOR_RGBA2BGR);
delete[] pFrameVideoDataBuffer;
printf("cvtColor exception\n");
return cv::Mat();
return image;
/* problem */
we found that some saved pictures were not from corresponding rtmp source, for example, the content of saved picture file 0_1612341697548.jpg is origin from rtmp source 1,
rather than rtmp source 0.
we also found that the occurring frequency is related to the batch size, which can be summarized as follows:
“source num” “batch size” “occurring frequency”
1 1 0
2 2 0
3 2 high
3 3 high
3 4 low
4 3 high
4 3 high
4 8 low
and we also print the address of “nvsurface->surfaceList[batch_id].dataPtr”, every rtmp source has four fixed addresses which are recyclly used.
RtmpSourceId: 0, dataPtr: 0x7fa4b6c00000
RtmpSourceId: 0, dataPtr: 0x7fa4b7400000
RtmpSourceId: 0, dataPtr: 0x7fa4b7c00000
RtmpSourceId: 0, dataPtr: 0x7fa4b8400000
RtmpSourceId: 2, dataPtr: 0x7fa4b8c00000
RtmpSourceId: 2, dataPtr: 0x7fa4b9400000
RtmpSourceId: 2, dataPtr: 0x7fa4b9c00000
RtmpSourceId: 2, dataPtr: 0x7fa4ba400000
RtmpSourceId: 1, dataPtr: 0x7fa4bac00000
RtmpSourceId: 1, dataPtr: 0x7fa4bb400000
RtmpSourceId: 1, dataPtr: 0x7fa4bbc00000
RtmpSourceId: 1, dataPtr: 0x7fa4bc400000
RtmpSourceId: 3, dataPtr: 0x7fa4bcc00000
RtmpSourceId: 3, dataPtr: 0x7fa4bd400000
RtmpSourceId: 3, dataPtr: 0x7fa4bdc00000
RtmpSourceId: 3, dataPtr: 0x7fa4be400000
the addresses are adjacent, and the interval is 0x800000, beyond 0x7e9000 (1920x1080x4).