deepstream-app version 6.2.0
DeepStreamSDK 6.2.0
CUDA Driver Version: 11.4
CUDA Runtime Version: 11.4
TensorRT Version: 8.4
cuDNN Version: 8.4
libNVWarp360 Version: 2.0.1d3
deepstream was used for multi-channel rtsp stream analysis and two-stage inference was carried out. In the first stage, mutli-classes object detection inference was carried out, and in the second stage, features were extracted from the detected “person” class. If the second stage inference is disabled, 30 rtsp streams run normally. If the second stage inference is enabled, an exception occurs when only 15 rtsp streams run. The program prompts “No data from source 0 since last 5 sec. Trying reconnection”, And the analysis is blocked.using “jtop” comand to see the resource status, found that GPU/CPU/NVDEC are not working. And there is no frame statistics for the perf_cb () function.
the deepstream_config like this:
enable-perf-measurement = 1
perf-measurement-interval-sec = 5
enable = 0
rows = 1
columns = 1
width = 1280
height = 720
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
gpu-id = 0
live-source = 1
batch-size = 16
batched-push-timeout = 40000
width = 1280
height = 720
enable-padding = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
gie-unique-id = 1
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
config-file = config_infer_primary_yoloV8_9c.txt
enable = 1
For NvDCF and DeepSORT tracker, tracker-width and tracker-height must be a multiple of 32, respectively
tracker-width = 1280
tracker-height = 720
ll-lib-file = /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/lib/
ll-config-file required to set different tracker types
ll-config-file = config_tracker_IOU.yml
gpu-id = 0
enable-batch-process = 1
enable-past-frame = 1
display-tracking-id = 1
compute-hw = 2
enable = 0
onnx-file = sleep.onnx
model-engine-file = sleep.onnx_b1_dla0_fp16.engine
gpu-id = 0
batch-size = 1
gie-unique-id = 2
operate-on-gie-id = 1
operate-on-class-ids = 0
config-file = config_infer_secondary_sleep.txt
enable = 1
onnx-file = reid256.onnx
model-engine-file = reid256.onnx_b1_gpu0_fp16.engine
gpu-id = 0
batch-size = 1
gie-unique-id = 3
operate-on-gie-id = 1
operate-on-class-ids = 0
config-file = config_infer_secondary_reid.txt
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
output-folder-path = ./output
save-img-cropped-obj = 0
save-img-full-frame = 1
frame-to-skip-rules-path = capture_time_rules.csv
second-to-skip-interval = 600
min-confidence = 0.3
max-confidence = 1.0
min-box-width = 5
min-box-height = 5
file-loop = 0
enable = 1
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
num-sources = 1
gpu-id = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
cudadec-memtype = 0
camera-id = 8
latency = 100
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
select-rtp-protocol = 4
camera-width = 1280
camera-height = 720
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
type = 1
sync = 0
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
source-id = 0
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 9
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 1
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 10
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 2
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 11
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 3
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 12
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 4
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 13
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 5
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 14
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 6
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 15
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 7
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 18
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 8
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 19
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 9
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 20
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 10
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 21
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 11
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 22
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 12
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 23
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 13
camera-height = 720
camera-id = 24
camera-width = 1280
cudadec-memtype = 0
drop-frame-interval = 2
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
latency = 100
num-sources = 1
rtsp-reconnect-attempts = 3
rtsp-reconnect-interval-sec = 5
select-rtp-protocol = 4
type = 4
uri = rtsp://
video-format = RGBA
enable = 1
gpu-id = 0
nvbuf-memory-type = 0
sync = 0
type = 1
source-id = 14